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Personal Information Banks

A Personal Information Bank (PIB) is defined under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) as "a collection of personal information that is organized and capable of being retrieved using an individual's name or an identifying number or particular assigned to the individual."

The University maintains and publishes the following list of PIBs pursuant to section 45 of FIPPA.  Each PIB includes: 

  • Name and location;
  • Legal authority for its establishment;
  • Type of information maintained within the bank;
  • How the information is used on a regular basis;
  • Who uses the information on a regular basis;
  • Categories of individuals whose information is within the bank; and
  • Retention and disposition requirements.

The PIBs below are organized based on the major work functions set out in the University's Records Classification and Retention Schedule (RCRS).

Campus Administrative Services

  • Video Surveillance


    Office of Campus Safety and Security

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Video captured by surveillance cameras


    To monitor the safety and security of the campus and investigate past occurrences, security incidents or emergency situations.


    Authorized personnel in the Office of Campus Safety and Security

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus.

    Retention and Disposal:

    Video not used as part of an investigation: retained until overwritten.


    Video used to investigate an occurrence, security incident or emergency situation: retained permanently.

Community Engagement and Partnerships

  • Alumni


    Alumni Relations – External Relations, Advancement Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, academic history, age and gender of children, communication preference, date of birth, donation history,
    email address, employment history, financial information, gender, honours and awards, marital status, name of spouse, student number, telephone number, university memberships,


    To maintain contact with graduates and assist in planning alumni events


    Alumni Relations staff, Advancement Office staff.

    Individuals in Bank:


    Retention and Disposal:

    GCIR-0600 Alumni: Profiles

    GCIR-0610 Alumni: Actions

    GCIR-0620 Alumni: Change Requests

  • Donors


    Advancement Office – External Relations, Advancement Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, academic history, contracts and agreements, donation history, email address, employment history, financial information, payment details, telephone number,


    To maintain information regarding current and potential individual and corporate donors for use in fundraising and promoting the university


    Advancement Office staff.

    Individuals in Bank:

    Donors and potential donors, alumni.

    Retention and Disposal:

    GCIR-0400 Donors: Profiles

    GCIR-0410 Donors: Proposals

    GCIR-0420 Donors: Actions

    GCIR-0430 Donors: Gift History

    GCIR-0500 Gifts: Agreements

    GCIR-0510 Gifts: Processing

Compliance, Legal and Risk Management

  • Access to Information and Privacy: Case Files


    Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel

    Legal Authority:

    Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSO 1990, c F.31

    Information Maintained:

    Name, collected personal information needed to respond to access to information requests, contact information


    To respond to access to information requests, privacy complaints, and requests to correct personal information.


    Authorized personnel in the Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel

    Individuals in Bank:

    Individuals making access to information requests, or requests to correct personal information.

    Retention and Disposal:

    CMP-0900 Access to Information and Privacy: Case Files

Human Resources

  • Employee Files


    Human Resources, Originating Unit, Human Resources Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address and telephone numbers, age, banner number, banking information, benefits and pension information, correspondence, date of birth, employment history, educational history, gender, marital/family status, performance review results, promotions and appointments, salaries, social insurance number.


    To maintain employment records of university employees


    Senior administrators, Human Resources personnel as authorized, supervisors, managers and authorized personnel in originating unit

    Individuals in Bank:

    Faculty and Staff

    Retention and Disposal:

    HUM-0100 Human Resources Information System

    HUM-0110 Personnel File

    HUM-0140 Local Personnel File

    HUM-0400 Annual Performance Review

    HUM-0510 Salary Increase

    HUM-1100 Local Attendance

    HUM-0900 Employee Relations: Complaints

    HUM-0910 Employee Relations: Discipline Case Files

    HUM-1400 Termination

  • Employee Files - Benefits


    Human Resources, Human Resources Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, age, address and telephone numbers, banner number, benefits information, benefits election forms, benefits transactions, confidential correspondence between the individual and the institution, date of birth, gender, marital/family status, social insurance number


    To manage benefits programs


    Human Resources personnel as authorized

    Individuals in Bank:

    Faculty and staff who are eligible for benefits

    Retention and Disposal:

    HUM-0710 Benefits: Employee Files

    HUM-0730 Benefits: Health Care Expense Account (Retired Employees)

    HUM-0800 Disability Management Case files

  • Employee Files - Pension


    Human Resources, Human Resources Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, age, address and telephone numbers, banner number, confidential correspondence between the individual and the institution, date of birth, gender, marital/family status, pension information, pension option forms, pension payment details, social insurance number


    To administer the university’s pension program


    Human Resources personnel as authorized

    Individuals in Bank:

    Faculty and staff who are enrolled in the pension plan

    Retention and Disposal:

    HUM-0610 Pension: Individual Beneficiary Entitlements

    HUM-0620 Pension: Summary of Individual Beneficiaries

  • Faculty Official Files


    Academic Affairs – Office of the Associate Provost

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address and telephone numbers, age, annual reports, banking information, banner number, certificates or records of professional development or achievement, confidential letters of reference, confidential correspondence between the individual and the institution, course evaluations, c.v., date of birth, educational history including evidence of degrees obtained, gender, leave of absence including research leave, letter of appointment or continuing appointment, marital/family status, performance reviews including third year review report, personal opinions or views of the individual, promotions and appointments, salaries, signed letters of commendation or complaint, social insurance number, teaching dossier.


    To administer the employment of teaching faculty, tenure and tenure-track faculty


    Senior administrators, Dean, Academic Affairs staff, Human Resources personnel as authorized

    Individuals in Bank:

    Teaching faculty, tenure and tenure-track faculty

    Retention and Disposal:

    HUM-0120 Official File (Faculty Members)

    HUM-0410 Performance Review: Faculty Members

    HUM-0930 Employee Relations: Discipline Letters (Faculty Association)

    HUM-0940 Employee Relations: Discipline Letters (Sessional Lecturers)

    HUM-0950 Employee Relations: Discipline Letters (Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants)

  • Grievances and Arbitration


    Academic Affairs – Office of the Associate Provost

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, nature of grievance or appeal, submissions, occupation, records of meetings and correspondence


    To document the adjudication of grievances and any corrective action


    Authorized Academic Affairs staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Current and former faculty and staff

    Retention and Disposal:

    HUM-1600 Grievances and Arbitration

  • Recruitment


    Human Resources, Originating Unit, Human Resources Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, contact information, work history, education history, resume/CV, reference letters


    To evaluate candidates for job competitions


    Human Resources staff, Hiring managers, and Hiring committee members

    Individuals in Bank:

    Individuals who apply to employment competitions

    Retention and Disposal:

    HUM-0200 Recruitment: Competition Case Files

  • Tenure and Promotion Dossier


    Academic Affairs – Office of the Associate Provost, Faculties (copy)

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, confidential letters of assessment, course evaluations, committee reports and recommendations, c.v., documents for the assessment of scholarship/professional practice and teaching ability 


    To evaluate candidates for the granting of tenure, promotion and/or renewal


    President, Provost, Dean, Committee members as approved

    Individuals in Bank:

    Full-time tenure and tenure-track staff being considered for tenure, promotion and/or renewal

    Retention and Disposal:

    HUM-0130 Tenure and Promotion: Dossier

IT Administration/Management

  • Learning Tool Program


    IT Services, IT Services Information Systems, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, academic program, banner number, current configuration, email, learning tool agreements, machine assigned to student, telephone number


    To administer students' participation in the mobile learning program and track IT assets


    IT Services staff

    Individuals in Bank:


    Retention and Disposal:

    ITS-0100 Learning Tools: Agreements

    ITS-0230 Asset Management: Disposition

  • IT Asset Sales


    IT Services, Finance, IT Services and Finance Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, address, banner number, email, learning tool agreements, machine assigned to student, telephone number


    To provide receipts and track accounting for the sale of used IT assets


    IT Services staff, Finance

    Individuals in Bank:

    Faculty staff and students that purchase used IT assets

    Retention and Disposal:

    ITS-0230 Asset Management: Disposition

  • User Access Requests


    IT Services, IT Services Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, academic program, banner number, passwords, telephone number


    To administer IT system security credentials


    Authorized IT staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Faculty, staff and students

    Retention and Disposal:

    ITS-0500 User Access: Requests



  • Academic

    10.1.1        Undergraduate


    Records & Scheduling – Office of the Registrar, Originating Faculty, Academic Advising Offices, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, academic status (progress report forms, grade appeals), address, add/drop course, admissions related information, application data (application forms, transcripts, letters of reference) , applications for re-admission, telephone number, application summaries, awards and honours, banner number, citizenship, CPR verification, criminal reference checks, date of attendance, date of birth, email, emergency contact information, fees appeals, gender, grades, email, entry immunization forms, letter of permission, personal contact information, registration information, research study participation, requests for credit transfer, tuition deferral forms


    To maintain records of undergraduate students' academic progress


    Authorized Registrar’s Office personnel, academic advisors, Faculty personnel

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students and applicants

    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-0200 Student Academic Records: Undergraduate

    STU-0300 Registration: Undergraduate

    STU-0400 Academic Advising: Undergraduate

    STU-0320 Clinical Placements: Nursing, Medlab

    STU-0330 Faculty Student Files: Forensic Science

    STU-0340 Faculty Student Files

    STU-0350 Teaching Placements

    TEA-0500 Experiential Learning: Learning Experiences Database

    STU-1300 Practicum



    10.1.2        Graduate


    Office of Graduate Studies, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, academic status (progress report forms, grade appeals), address, add/drop course, admission recommendation application data (application forms, transcripts, letters of reference, requests for credit transfer, application summary for faculty committees), banner number, documentation related to approval and release of thesis, email, external scholarship activation forms, Graduate Research Award contracts, OCGS application forms, registration information (changes in status or program, leaves of absence of extensions) , student employment contracts (TA/RA) , telephone number, tuition deferral forms,


    To maintain records of graduate student’s academic progress


    Authorized Graduate studies personnel, Faculty personnel, faculty Dean’s Office personnel

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students and applicants.

    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-0210 Student Academic Records: Graduate

    STU-0310 Registration: Graduate

    STU-0410 Academic Advising: Graduate

    STU-1000 Graduate Thesis: Administration

    STU-1010 Graduate Thesis: Thesis

  • Academic Conduct and Issues


    Records & Scheduling – Office of the Registrar, Originating Faculty, Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, address number, banner number, confidential correspondence, decision rendered, documentation, email, minutes of disciplinary hearings and appeals, name of advocate, names and information of witnesses, relationship to appellant and phone number, telephone


    To adjudicate issues of academic conduct and appeals


    Deans, academic advisors, academic integrity committee members, appeals committee members, authorized office of the University Secretary and General Counsel staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students, witnesses

    Retention and Disposal:

    Student Issues

    STU-1100 Academic Misconduct: Decisions

    STU-1110 Academic Misconduct: Case Files

    STU-1120 Academic Appeals: Case Files

    STU-1130 Academic Misconduct: Suspensions or Transcript Notations

    STU-1140 Academic Appeals: Decisions

  • Admissions

    10.1.1        Undergraduate


    Admissions – Office of the Registrar, Records & Scheduling – Office of the Registrar, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, telephone number, date of birth, educational history, email address, gender,  reference letters, transcripts


    To assess and admit prospective students


    Authorized Registrar’s Office staff, academic advisors

    Individuals in Bank:


    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-0100 Admissions: Undergraduate


    10.1.2        Graduate


    Graduate Studies Office, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, date of birth, application data (application forms, transcripts, letters of reference), educational history, email address, gender , telephone number


    To assess and admit prospective students


    Authorized Graduate Studies Office staff, Faculty personnel

    Individuals in Bank:


    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-0110 Admissions: Graduate

  • Non-academic Issues


    Office of the Associate Provost, Student Life, Originating Faculty, Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel, Student Life Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, address, banner number, decision rendered, minutes of disciplinary hearings and appeals, documentation, email, name of advocate, names of witnesses, relationship to appellant and phone number, telephone number


    To adjudicate issues of non-academic conduct and appeals


    Students involved in disputes and appeals regarding non-academic conduct or administrative decision-making.

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students involved in disputes and appeals regarding non-academic conduct or administrative decision-making.

    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-1200 Student Complaint

    STU-2400 Student Conduct: Case Files

    STU-2410 Student Conduct: Appeals

    STU-2420 Student Issues and Behavioural Concern: Case Files

  • Ontario Student Assistance Program Documentation


    Student Awards and Financial Aid – Office of the Registrar, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, academic program, applications for awards, banner number, telephone number, email, Social Insurance Number, student financial information, transaction data, workplace insurance.


    To assess, award and administer the distribution of financial aid to students


    Authorized Financial Aid personnel

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students that apply for and receive financial assistance through OSAP

    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-0610 Financial Aid and Awards: Ontario Student Assistance Program Documentation

  • Students Accounts


    Finance, Finance Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, balance of account, banner number, financial history, Social Insurance Number, transactions, telephone number.


    To administer payment of student fees including registration, ancillary and service fees


    Authorized Finance staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Current and former undergraduate and graduate students

    Retention and Disposal:

    FIN-0900 Accounts Receivable

  • Student Accessibility Services


    Student Accessibility Services – Student Life, Student Life Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, address, banner number, confidential correspondence between the individual and the institution, counselling records, email,  medical, psychoeducational, or psychiatric information/documents, consent to release personal and disability related information forms, telephone number


    To provide support students with disabilities in their academic studies


    Authorized Accessibility Services staff, Test Centre staff,

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students seeking accommodation

    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-1900 Accessibility Services: Case Files

  • Student Awards & Financial Aid


    Student Awards and Financial Aid – Office of the Registrar, Risk Management – Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel, Student Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address, academic program, applications for awards, banner number, telephone number, email, Social Insurance Number, student financial information, transaction data, workplace insurance.


    To assess and award financial aid to students


    Authorized Financial Aid staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students that apply for or receive awards, scholarships and financial assistance including work study

    Retention and Disposal:

    CMP-1220 Insurance: Student (Work Study)

    STU-0600 Financial Aid and Awards: Distribution

    STU-0620 Financial Aid and Awards: Processing

    STU-0710 Awards: Decision Case Files (Undergraduate)

    STU-0720 Awards: Decision Case files (Graduate)

  • Student mental Health Services


    Student Mental Health Services – Student Life, Student Life Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, address, banner number, clinical notes, confidential correspondence between the individual and the institution, counselling records, email, medical, consent to release personal and disability related information forms, psychoeducational, or psychiatric information/documents, telephone number


    To provide counselling to students



    Individuals in Bank:

    Student clients of Mental Health Services

    Retention and Disposal:

    STU-2000 Mental Health Services: Case Files

  • Student life - General


    Student Life: Career Centre, Varsity Athletics, Student Learning Centre, Student Experience Centre, Office of the AVP Student Life, Student Life Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, academic program, address, advising/counselling notes, athletic history, banner number, co-curricular record, date of birth, email, photo/video consents, telephone number.


    To record attendance at events, workshops and appointments, maintain the co-curricular record, and maintain case notes to administer Student Life programs including career counselling, peer tutoring, learner support, and varsity athletics


    Authorized Student Life staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students participating in Student Life programs

    Retention and Disposal:

    GCIR-1110 Images and Recordings: Consent (athlete files)

    STU-1600 Student Life: Attendance and Registration

    STU-1700 Student Life: Case Files

    STU-1800 Student Life: Peer Leader Training

    STU-2300 Involvement Record

Teaching and Learning

  • Library patrons


    University Library (all locations), Library Information Systems

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address and phone number, email address, fines and payments, library transactions, permanent address and phone number, user identification number, user profile, and appeals


    To manage the circulation of library materials.


    Authorized Library staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Students, staff, community members with library cards

    Retention and Disposal:

    TEA-1500 Library Services: Patron Services Database

    TEA-1510 Library Services: Library Patron Applications

University Governance

  • Governing Body and Committee Membership and Qualifications


    Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel

    Legal Authority:

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

    Information Maintained:

    Name, address and telephone numbers, biographical information, business address, business telephone number, business facsimile number, correspondence, email address, photograph, resume/CV, spouse's name, staff contact information


    To coordinate and facilitate the work of university governing bodies and committees.


    Authorized Office of the University Secretary staff

    Individuals in Bank:

    Members of the Board of Governors, Academic Council

    Retention and Disposal:

    GOV-0230 Board of Governors: Member Profiles

    GOV-0320 Academic Council: Member Profiles