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STU-0110 Admissions: Graduate


Consists of records of the admission process including all materials required to make a decision on enrollment. This includes admission applications, correspondence, letters of recommendation, test scores, transcripts and decision forms. For successful applicants, an acceptance letter will be generated.

Retention Trigger

Not enrolled: End of admit term

Enrolled: Student graduates or stops attending UOIT


Not enrolled: Trigger + 1 year

Enrolled: Trigger + 5 years

Responsible Unit(s)

Graduate Studies Office


OUAC, Sent by applicants, electronic data exchange

Records System

Paper, Banner, Banner Document Management


Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSO 1990, c F.31 s.40
Disposal of Personal Information, RRO 1990, Reg 459

Record Authority

Dean of Graduate Studies


Secure destruction

Records Arising from Activity

  • College and University transcripts ( Interim and Final) International and Domestic
  • Electronic Applications
  • Special Student Applications
  • English Language Proficiency
  • Recommendation/Reference Letters
  • Proof of Residency for Domestic
  • Copy of diplomas
  • Deferral Request
  • Statement of Academic Intent
  • Resumes
  • Student Visa
  • Miscellaneous (SAAADMS Checklist MISC)
  • Offer Letters
  • Other Letters
  • Applicant Information Release Form
  • Graduate Exchange Application
  • Transcript Release Form
  • Non-Standard Admissions Decision Form

Retention Rationale

FIPPA requires any personal information collected to be retained for at least one year following its use. Application records of enrolled students are  retained in keeping with STU-0310 Registration: Changes and Requests (Graduate)

Personal Information


Vital Record


