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Academic Council Committee Members 2020-2021

  • Academic Council Steering Committee
    list of members of steering committee
    Name Position Term End
    Ex-Officio Members
    Steven Murphy President (Chair)
    Lori Livingston Provost
    Greg Crawford CPRC Chair
    Langis Roy GSC Chair
    Les Jacobs Chair of Research Board
    Appointed Members
    Hossam Gaber Faculty 2022
    Amir Mostaghim Faculty 2022
    Mehdi Hossein Nejad Faculty 2020
    Elita Partosoedarso Faculty 2022
    Tess Pierce Faculty 2021
    Owen Davis Undergraduate Student 2021
  • Academic Appeals Committee
    list of members of undergraduate studies committee
    Name Position Term End
    Wesley Crichlow Faculty 2022
    Helene-Marie Goulding Faculty 2021
    Brent MacRae Faculty 2021
    Amir Mostaghim Faculty 2022
    Tudor Hociung Student 2020
    Vacant Student
    Farhin Mim Student 2020
  • Undergraduate Studies Committee
    list of members of undergraduate studies committee
    Name Position Term End
    Ex-Officio Members
    Greg Crawford Senior academic administrator responsible for Quality Enhancement or designate (Chair)
    Joe Stokes Registrar (or designate)
    Chair of Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
    Mehdi Hossein Nejad Faculty of Business & Information Technology
    Wendy Barber Faculty of Education
    Matthew Kaye Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science
    Scott Nokleby Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science
    Wally Bartfay Faculty of Health Sciences
    Rupinder Brar Faculty of Science
    Olga Marques Faculty of Social Science & Humanities
    Academic Council Members
    Mehdi Hossein Nejad Faculty of Business & Information Technology 2022
    Phillip Shon Faculty of Social Science & Humanities 2021
    Student Members
    Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members
    Andra Drinkwalter School of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies representative
    Grace Bishop Manager from Office of the Registrar, as designated by Registrar
    Nichole Molinaro Manager of the Centre for Institutional Quality Enhancement (or designate) 
    Becky Dinwoodie Secretary of Academic Council (or designate)
  • Governance & Nominations Committee*
    list of members of governance and nominations committee
    Name Position Term End
    Ex-Officio Members
    Steven Murphy President (Chair)
    Lori Livingston Provost & VP Academic
    Jessica Clarke Administrative Staff
    Cheryl Foy Secretary of Academic Council
    Appointed Members
    Peter Stoett Dean of Faculty/School 2021
    Ferdinand Jones Faculty of Business & Information Technology 2021
    Hossam Kishawy Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science 2022
    Hossam Gaber Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science 2022
    Janet McCabe Faculty of Health Sciences 2021
    Hannah Scott Faculty of Social Science & Humanities 2021
    VACANT Elected Teaching Staff
    VACANT Elected Teaching Staff
    VACANT Student
    *All voting members of the Governance & Nominations Committee must also be members of Academic Council
  • Graduate Studies Committee
    list of members of graduate studies committee
    Name Position Term End
    Ex-Officio Members
    Langis Roy Dean of Graduate Studies (Chair)
    Les Jacobs VP, Research and Innovation
    Aziz Douai Associate Dean of SGPS
    Appointed Members
    Miguel Vargas-Martin Faculty (Business & IT) July 2021
    Robyn Ruttenberg-Rozen Faculty (Education) July 2021
    Jennifer McKellar Faculty (Energy) July 2021
    Martin Agelin-Chaab Faculty (Engineering) July 2021
    Qusay Mahmoud Faculty (Engineering) July 2021
    Ying Wang Faculty (Engineering) July 2021
    Manon Lemonde Faculty (Health Sciences) July 2021
    Janice Strap Faculty (Science) July 2021
    Lennaert van Veen Faculty (Science) July 2021
    Faisal Qureshi Faculty (Science) July 2021
    Brad Easton Faculty (Science) July 2021
    Leigh Harkins Faculty (Social Science & Humanities) July 2021
    Karla Dhungani-Sainju Faculty (Social Science & Humanities) July 2021
    VACANT Academic Council Member
    VACANT Academic Council Member
    VACANT Student (Graduate Full-Time)
    VACANT Student (Graduate Part-Time)
    Ex-officio (non-voting)
    Lori Livingston Provost and VP Academic
    Catherine Davidson Librarian
    Joe Stokes Office of the Registrar Representative
    Kimberley McCartney Centre for Institutional Quality Enhancement representative
    Becky Dinwoodie Secretary of Academic Council (or designate)
    Andra Drinkwalter Manager, SGPS
  • Honorary Degrees Committee
    list of members of honorary degrees committee
    Name Position Term End
    Ex-Officio Members
    Mitch Frazer Chancellor
    Steven Murphy President (Chair)
    Lori Livingston Provost
    Sue McGovern Vice-President External Relations
    Appointed Members
    Shahram Heydari Faculty (FBIT) 2021
    Diana Petrarca Faculty (FEd) 2022
    VACANT Student
    VACANT Student
  • Research Board
    list of research board members
    Name Position Term End
    Ex-Officio Members
    Les Jacobs VP Research & Innovation (Chair)
    Langis Roy Dean of Graduate Studies
    Greg Edwards Manager, Research & Trust Accounting (non-voting)
    Jennifer Freeman Director Research Services   (non-voting)
    Catherine Davidson University Librarian (non-voting)
    Vivianne Sharpe Secretary to the Research Board
    Appointed Members
    Bin Chang Faculty of Business & Information Technology June 2021
    Jia Li Faculty of Education June 2021
    Kirk Atkinson Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science June 2021
    Hossam Kishawy Faculty of Engineering &    Applied Science June 2021
    Manon Lemonde Faculty of Health Sciences June 2021
    Sean Forrester Faculty of Science June 2021
    Andrea Slane Faculty (Social Science) December 2021