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Board of Governors Elections

The Board of Governors is a competency-based Board whose composition reflects the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to govern effectively and meet the vision, mission and strategic goals of the university.

The Board includes four members who are elected from the following constituency groups within the university:

    • Teaching Staff (two positions)
    • Administrative Staff (one position)
    • Students (one position - graduate or undergraduate)

Elected governors contribute valuable perspective and context regarding the function and culture of the institution.  While these members are elected, they do not act as a representative of the constituency from which they were elected.  Each Board member has a fiduciary obligation to make decisions with the best interests of the university in mind. 

Term of Office

The term of office for elected faculty and staff members is 3 years and 1 year for students.  Elected members are eligible for re-election, subject to the provisions in section 8(6) of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act.

If you are interested in becoming an elected member of the Board of Governors, please refer to the Election Procedures for additional information.