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Academic Council Members 2019 - 2020

Name Position Term
Ex-Officio Members
Noreen Taylor Chancellor
Steven Murphy President (Chair)
Lori Livingston
Provost & VP Academic
Les Jacobs Academic Administrator Responsible for Research
Lori Livingston Academic Administrator Responsible for Quality Enhancement
Langis Roy Dean Graduate Studies
Catherine Davidson University Librarian
Joe Stokes Registrar
Michael Bliemel Dean of Business & Information Technology
Robin Kay1 Dean of Education
Akira Tokuhiro Dean of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science
Tarlochan Sidhu Dean of Engineering & Applied Science
Bernadette Murphy1 Dean of Health Sciences
Greg Crawford Dean of Science
Peter Stoett Dean of Social Science & Humanities
Olivia Petrie Senior Administrator Responsible for Student Life
tbd Governor
Ramiro Liscano COU Academic Colleague (non-voting)
Elected Members
Shahram Heydari Faculty of Business & Information Technology 2021
Mehdi Hossein Nejad Faculty of Business & Information Technology 2022
VACANT Faculty of Business & Information Technology
Ann LeSage Faculty of Education 2020
Hossam Gaber Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science 2021
Hossam Kishawy Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science 2022
Qusay Mahmoud Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science 2021
Shahryar Rahnamayan Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science 2022
Meghann Lloyd Faculty of Health Sciences 2020
Janet McCabe Faculty of Health Sciences 2021
Elita Partosoedarso Faculty of Health Sciences 2021
Jean-Peal Desaulniers Faculty of Science 2020
Fedor Naumkin Faculty of Science 2022
VACANT Faculty of Science
Olga Marques Faculty of Social Science & Humanities 2021
Jen Rinaldi Faculty of Social Science & Humanities 2021
Phillip Shon Faculty of Social Science & Humanities 2021
Ramiro Liscano Faculty At-Large 2022
Amir Mostaghim Faculty At-Large 2021
Kimberly Nugent Faculty At-Large 2020
Tess Pierce Faculty At-Large 2021
Hannah Scott Faculty At-Large 2021
Terry Wu Faculty At-Large 2020
Ahmad Barari Faculty At-Large 2022
VACANT Faculty At-Large
Osama Khalid Undergraduate Student 2020
Alyssa Williams Undergraduate Student 2020
Owen Davis Undergraduate Student 2020
VACANT Undergraduate Student
Sarah Habibi Graduate Student 2020
Lyndsay Woolridge Graduate Student 2020
Jessica Clarke Administrative Staff Member 2020
Alyson King COU Academic Colleague Alternate 2022

1. Temporary replacement