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Policy Consultation Notice Board

The policy notice board supports the consultation process by giving members of the university community the opportunity to provide input on the development and review of policy instruments. 

Consultation is considered a key element of the university's Policy Framework.   Consultation throughout the development and review cycle is crucial to the effective administration of policy instruments and has the potential for increasing adoption and improving the quality of policy outcomes.

As part of the consultation process, Policy Owners will submit drafts of new policy instruments that are under development, and existing policy instruments under review, for posting to this page.  Please contact the Policy Office to arrange for publication on this page.    

Policy Bulletin

If you would like to be notified when policy instruments are made available for consultation, please contact the Policy Office and you will be added to our Policy Bulletin subscription list.

Policy Instrument Input

You may submit your feedback and recommendations for any of the posted policy instruments using the Policy Instrument Feedback Form

Some of the key aspects of the policy instrument you may want to consider in providing your feedback are:

  • Clarity:  Is it clear what the purpose of the policy instrument is?  Is it understandable? Is it likely to achieve its intended purpose?

  • Consistency and overlapIs the policy instrument consistent with the Policy Framework and other approved university policies and procedures? Are there potential areas of overlap and/or conflict with other policy instruments?

  • Operational practicality and impact:  What is the potential impact of the policy instrument? This includes the impact on students, faculty, staff, or other significant institutional relationships, as well as potential risks, costs and operational requirements to implement the policy instrument.

  • Implementation and communication:  What are some of the factors that should be considered in how the policy instrument is implemented? Who may need to be notified? What type of resources and education are needed to support the implementation?

Policy instruments for consultation

Policy instruments that have been submitted for consultation will be posted below. Please contact the Policy Office to arrange for publication on this page or for any other inquiries.

  • Program Nomenclature Directive

    CIQE is seeking community comments on proposed amendments to the Program Nomenclature Directive. Comments submitted will be considered by the Policy Owner. The comment period will be open until June 7 at 3pm.

  • Closed consultation periods

    This consultation period for the below policies are now closed. Thank you to all community members who commented. Comments received will be considered by the Policy Owner.

    • Student Sexual Violence Prevention Policy
    • Course Nomenclature Directive
    • Capital Projects Policy (New Policy) 
    • Debt Management Policy (New Policy)
    • Contract Management and Signing Authority Policy & Procedure (Amendment)
    • Intellectual Property Policy
    • Undergraduate Academic Appeals Policy
    • Final Exam Administration Procedure and Chief Invigilator Directive
    • Policy on Microcredentials and Continuous Learning Offerings
    • Expenses Procedure
    • Thesis Oral Examination Policy
    • Doctoral Candidacy Examination Policy
    • Procedures for Consideration of Missed In Term Course Work and Examinations
    • Electronic Monitoring Policy
    • Digital Learning Resources Directive
    • Employee Phone Directive
    • Graduate Submission of Thesis, Project or Major Paper Policy
    • Learning Management System Policy Instruments
    • Disconnecting from Work Policy
    • Registrar's Office Policy Instruments
    • Institutional Quality Assurance Process
    • Curriculum Change Procedures
    • Cyclical Review and Auditing Procedures
    • New Program Procedures
    • Program Closure Procedures
    • Respectful Campus Policy & Harassment and Discrimination Procedure for Employees
    • Accommodation Policy
    • Graduate Studies Policies
    • Expenses Procedure
    • Radiation Safety Policy
    • Compliance Policy 
    • Controlled Goods Policy
    • Scholarship Policy
    • Remote Oral Hearings Directive
    • Academic Integrity Policy
    • Online Examination Proctor Directive
    • Controlled Goods Policy
    • Ethical Conduct Policy Instruments
    • Examination and Grading Policy Instruments - closed
    • Academic Council Election Procedures - closed
    • Technology Use Policy - closed
    • Undergraduate and Professional Admissions policy instruments - closed
    • Automobile Policy and Directive
    • Procedures for Use of Service Animals - closed
    • Postering in University Spaces Procedures - closed
    • University Building Naming policy - closed
    • Accessibility policy - closed
    • Procedures for accommodating employees with disabilities - closed
    • Procedures for accommodating students with disabilities - closed
    • Policy on Auditing an Undergraduate and Graduate Course - closed
    • Procedures for Academic Council Selection of Vice-Chair - closed
    • Procedures for Academic Council Selection of Board of Governors Liaison - closed
    • Drones Directive - closed
    • Institutional Quality Assurance Process - closed
    • Graduate Fees and Charges policy - closed
    • Undergraduate Fees and Charges Policy - closed
    • Animal Care Policy and Procedures - closed