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Academic Council Committee Members 2016-2017

  • Executive Committee

    Tim McTiernan - President, Chair
    Deborah Saucier - Provost, Vice-Chair
    Robert Bailey - Chair, Curriculum and Program Review Committee
    Pietro-Luciano Buono - Faculty of Science
    Carla Cesaroni - Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
    Brenda Gamble - Faculty of Health Sciences
    Andrew Hogue - Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Andrea Kirkwood - Faculty of Health Sciences
    Ramiro Liscano - Academic Colleague to COU
    Andre Pinsonnault - Student
    Langis Roy - Chair, Graduate Studies Committee

  • Academic Appeals Committee

    Barbara Perry - Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Chair
    Emma Blackwood - Student
    Mikael Eklund - Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Mark Green - Faculty of Science
    Scott Nokleby - Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Johnathan Subramaniam - Student

  • Admissions & Scholarship Committee
    Brad MacIsaac - Registrar, Chair
    Munera Ahmed - Student
    Susan Allward - Associate Registrar, Student Awards & Financial Aid
    Mihai Beligan - Faculty of Science
    Callum Campbell - Student
    Christopher Collins - Faculty of Science
    Becky Dalton - Assistant Registrar, Admissions and Recruitment
    Teresa Pierce - Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
  • Curriculum & Program Review Committee
    Robert Bailey - Acting Provost, Chair
    Wendy Barber - Faculty of Education
    John Friedlan - Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Brenda Gamble - Faculty of Health Sciences
    Matthew Kaye - Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
    Alyson King - Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
    Qusay Mahmoud - Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Liliana Trevani - Faculty of Science
  • Graduate Studies Committee
    Langis Roy - Dean, Graduate Studies, Chair
    Kristen Boujos - Registrar's Delegate
    Luciano Buono - Faculty of Science
    Min Dong - Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Douglas Holdway, Interim Vice-President of Research, Innovation and International
    Robin Kay - Faculty of Education
    Amy Leach - Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
    Bernadette Murphy - Faculty of Health Sciences

    Jennifer Percival- Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Eleodor (Dorin) Nichita - Faculty of Energy Systems and Applied Science
    Lokendra Ramotar - Part-Time Graduate Student Representative
  • Honorary Degrees Committee

    Tim McTiernan, President and Vice-Chancellor, Chair
    Noreen Taylor, Chancellor
    Robert Bailey, Acting Provost and Vice-President, Academic
    Mark Green - Faculty of Science
    Susan McGovern, Vice-President, External Relations
    Carolyn McGregor - Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Barbara Perry - Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
    Lauren Kimberly Santiago - Student

  • Research Board
    Douglas Holdway, Interim Vice-President Research, Innovation & International (Chair)
    Min Dong, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Aziz Douai, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
    Pamela Drayson, University Librarian
    Greg Edwards, Research & Trust Accounting Manager
    Jennifer Freeman, Director, Office of Research Services
    Hendrick de Haan, Faculty of Science
    Robin Kay, Faculty of Education
    Bernadette Murphy, Faculty of Health Sciences
    Jennifer Percival, Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Igor Pioro, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
    Langis Roy, Dean, Graduate Studies
    Vivianne Sharpe, Secretary to the Research Board