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Services we Provide

Access and Privacy
The Access and Privacy Office is responsible for the implementation and administration of Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) at Ontario Tech University.   We provide leadership and education to the University community to support compliance with FIPPA and ensure the protection of personal privacy for our community members.   Our office coordinates and responds to requests for access to University records as well as addressing privacy concerns and complaints.  In addition, we provide advice and support on issues related to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.  

The Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel coordinates the University’s compliance with laws, regulations and University policy instruments in order to ensure the University meets its internal and external legal obligations and manages risk effectively. We provide advice and guidance to support the University community in meeting our compliance obligations.


Legal Services
Our office handles all legal matters generated by activities of the University, by offering legal advice and support related to all aspects of the operations.

The Policy Office is responsible for the implementation and administration of the Ontario Tech’s Policy Framework.  We coordinate policy lifecycle management for all University policy instruments and provide advice, education and support to policy owners in the development, amendment, approval and review of policies.  Our office also manages the university’s Policy Library and policy website.

Records Management
Our office helps units to manage records and information effectively and coordinate the disposal of records. We develop University-wide policy instruments on records management and provide training and advice on records classification, retention, organization and tracking.