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Attending a Board Meeting

Members of the community are welcome to attend the public session of a Board meeting.  Attendance will be subject to space limitations and attendees will be admitted on a first come, first served basis.  If you would like to ensure a seat at the meeting, we encourage you to contact the Board Secretary in advance at and we will do our best to accommodate you.

If you would like to address the Board or deliver a presentation during a public session, you must send a written request to the Board Secretary at least ten (10) working days prior to the Board meeting.  Requests will be considered by the Chair of the Board. 

A request should include:

• Subject and purpose of the address/presentation;
• Copies of presentation materials and/or materials to be distributed to the Board;
• Name, address and phone number of the spokesperson; and
• Names of all individuals participating in the address/presentation.

The Board Secretary will inform the requestor of the Board Chair’s decision regarding the request. If the request is approved, the Board Secretary will also advise the requestor of the amount of time allocated for the address/presentation and the estimated timing of the address/presentation on the public session agenda.