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Glossary of policy definitions

"Agency" includes funding agencies, granting councils, foundations, organizations or other entities, public or private, supporting in whole or in part research and scholarly activities.

“Confidential” means information that, if broadly disseminated, would harm the organization, compromise strategic plans, disclose personal information or impact on competitive advantage.

“Contract” means any document, or other evidence, of an intention to establish a binding legal relationship between the University and one or more third parties.

“Contract Management” describes the set of activities required to properly manage contractual commitments to and from third parties and includes the management of pre-Contract diligence, negotiation, and implementation activities.

“Deliberative Body” means a University body or committee responsible for discussion and consideration and that provides recommendations for Policy Instruments prior to submission for approval.

“Disposition” means the final retention action carried out on a Record. This may include destruction, deletion, secure destruction or deletion, or transfer for archival review or to a third party.

“Donor” means a person, foundation, or corporation that makes a gift that is eligible for a donation receipt.

“Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT)” means the designated group responsible for the coordination and management of emergencies affecting the University and Durham College.

“Endowed Fund” means a principal sum, set aside permanently and invested by the University, with only the income (all or a portion thereof) used to support specific programs or projects, often based on donor direction.

“Endowment” means the total value of the University’s Endowed Funds.

“Event” means any short-term organized activity, meeting, display, or form of public address by a User within or on a University Space.

“Fund Holder” means the individual responsible and accountable for the management and use of a Research Fund.

“Internal Research Funds (IRF)” means funds provided by the University to a Fund Holder to support research-related activities.  IRFs include: Faculty Start-up funds; Internal funding programs; and University matching funds.

“Official Copy” means the copy of a University Record designated in Local Procedures to satisfy the University’s retention requirements where multiple copies of a Record exist.

“Policy Instrument” means the different tools and documents that are utilized to provide direction in the governance and administration of the University.  Policy instruments may have application within a single organizational unit (Local) or across more than one organizational unit (University).

“Policy Lead” means the individual(s) responsible for drafting, reviewing, or amending a Policy Instrument and for facilitating consultation throughout the development and approval process.

“Policy Owner” means the position responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of a Policy Instrument.

“Record” means any record of information however recorded, whether by electronic means, in print form, on film or otherwise.

“Research Funds” means funds provided by a Sponsor, held in trust and administered by the University to pay for expenses incurred in support of research at the University, including:

  • Internal Research Funds; and
  • Funds awarded through external Sponsors.

“Space” means any location owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied by the University and made available for temporary use.

“Sponsor” means the provider of funds for research activities, including both external and internal sources.

“Student Association” means a student organization that: Represents all students enrolled in a major segment of the University, or across multiple Faculties and programs (e.g. all undergraduate, graduate, or part-time students); and Is recognized by the University under the Policy on the Recognition of Student Organizations

“Student Group” means any society, club or other type of student-formed organization that is duly constituted and recognized by a Student Association.

“Transitory Record” means any Record other than a University Record that has only short term value. Transitory Records may include: Announcements and notices of a general nature, Drafts, Transitory Copies of University Records, Printouts of databases where the University Record resides in the database.

“University Member” means any individual who is:

  • Employed by the University;
  • Registered as a student, in accordance with the academic regulations of the University;
  • Holding an appointment with the University, including paid, unpaid and/or honorific appointments; and/or
  • Otherwise subject to University policies by virtue of the requirements of a specific policy (e.g. Booking and Use of University Space) and/or the terms of an agreement or contract.

“University Record” means a fixed unit of information in any format that documents a transaction, decision or relationship made by the University. It has continuing value in the future to complete further work, to provide evidence, to serve as institutional memory of obligations, responsibilities, decisions and actions, or to document the unique character and history of the institution.

“User” is any organization or individual that has been granted permission to use Space.