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Board of Governors

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act sets out the role and responsibilities of the Board of Governors. Every Board member is required to exercise the powers and carry out the duties of his or her office diligently, honestly, in good faith, in the best interests of the university, and in accordance with any other criteria set out in the by-laws of the university.

The Board of Governors is responsible for governing and managing the affairs of the university, which includes: 

    • determining the mission, vision and values of the university*;
    • establishing academic, research, service and institutional policies and plans and to control the manner in which they are implemented*;
    • appointing and removing the Chancellor*;
    • appointing and removing the President;
    • appointing, promoting, suspending and removing members of the teaching staff and of the administrative staff of the university;
    • establishing faculties, schools, institutes and departments and establishing chairs and councils in any faculty, school, institute or department of the university*;
    • governing standards for the admission of students to the university and for graduation*;
    • governing matters arising in connection with the award of fellowships, scholarships, medals, prizes and other awards for academic achievement*; 
    • appointing committees and assigning or delegating to them such duties and responsibilities as may be provided in the by-laws of the university, including authorizing them to act on behalf of the Board in the matters specified in the by-laws; 
    • approving the annual budget of the university and monitoring its implementation; 
    • establishing and collecting fees and charges for tuition and other services that may be offered by the university or that may be approved by the Board on behalf of any organization or group of the university; 
    • regulating the conduct of students, staff and all persons who use the property of the university, including denying any person access to the property; 
    • defining, for the purposes of the by-laws, the following terms: student, staff, employee, manager, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, associate, instructor and tutor; 
    • conclusively determining which body within the university has jurisdiction over any matter; 
    • determining the manner and procedure for electing student or employee members to the Board, including establishing constituencies and voting practices; and 
    • making by-laws, resolutions and rules for the conduct of its affairs.

[excerpt from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, section 9(1)]

*the Board will consult with Academic Council prior to making a decision on this matter

If you have any questions regarding the Board of Governors, please contact