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Agenda- June 25, 2024


June 25, 2024

2:30 – 4:15 p.m. – 55 Bond St - DTB 524


Suggested Start Time

1.    Call to Order

2:30 p.m.

2.    Agenda (M)

3.    Chair’s Remarks 

2:35 p.m.

4.    Inquiries and Communications

a)    COU Academic Colleague Report*

2:45 p.m.

5.    Provost’s Remarks (Mary Bluechardt)

(a)  Senior Academic Administrator Search Update

2:50 p.m.

6.    Institutional and SMA Metrics Annual Report* (Sarah Thrush)

3:00 p.m.

Committee Reports


7.    Undergraduate Studies Committee (Mary Bluechardt)

(a)  Major Program Modification* (M)

                            (i) MPM - Pre-Engineering Pathway

 (b)  English Language Proficiency – Oxford ELLT* (M)

 (c)  English Language Proficiency – Oxford ELP Partnership* (M)

3:30 p.m.


8.    Graduate Studies Committee (Ted Christou) 

3:45 p.m.


9.    Governance & Nominations Committee (Mary Bluechardt)

(a)  2024-2025 Academic Council – Expressions of Interest* (M)

(b)  2024-2025 Academic Council Research Committee Renewal* (M)

3:50 p.m.

10. Research Committee (Les Jacobs)

4:00 p.m.

 11. Consent Agenda:

(a)  Minutes of the Meeting of May 28, 2024* (M)

(b)  18 Month Follow-Up – MSc and PhD in Computer Science* (I)

(c)  Program Nomenclature Directives (USC and GSC)* (I)

(d)  Conferral of Degrees – Spring/Summer 2024* (M)

4:10 p.m.


12. Other Business

Land acknowledgement for September Academic Council meeting

4:10 p.m.

Termination (M)

4:15 p.m.

 Krista Hester, Interim University Secretary