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STU-1000 Graduate Thesis: Administration


Contains records related to the submission, evaluation and approval of theses of graduate students. 

Including the appointment of examining committees and supervisory committees. 

For agreements related to thesis confidentiality, see CMP-0300 Contracts and Agreements.

Retention Trigger

Thesis accepted


Trigger + 3 years

Responsible Unit(s)

Graduate Studies Office



Records System



Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSO 1990, c F.31 s.40
Disposal of Personal Information, RRO 1990, Reg 459

Record Authority

Dean of Graduate Studies


Secure Destruction

Records Arising from Activity

  • Graduate Research Progress Report
  • Request for Program Extension
  • Form 1 - Establishment of Supervisory Committee
  • Form 2M - Appointment of Examining Committee - Master's
  • Form 2P - Appointment of Examining Committee - PhD
  • Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement
  • Theses Non-Exclusive Licence
  • Request for Approval to Withhold a Thesis from Publication
  • Thesis Binding Form
  • ProQuest Publishing Agreement
  • Establishment of Second Reader for Project or Paper
  • Appointment of PhD Candidacy Committee
  • PhD Candidacy Examination - Committee Member's Report
  • PhD Candidacy Committee Decision
  • Approval to Transfer from Master's to PhD Form
  • Approval to Transfer from PhD to Master's Form
  • Thank You Letters to Examiners, Second Readers
  • Email Correspondence

Retention Rationale


Personal Information


Vital Record


