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RES-0620 Research Ethics Board: Review, Approval and Ongoing Monitoring


Consists of records relating to the evaluation of a specific research project involving human participants by the Research Ethics Board (REB) and any ongoing review including change requests, study renewals and research project completion forms. Includes clear documentation of all decisions, plan for continuing ethics review and timelines, reasons for decisions, and any dissents. Also includes any documents reviewed: submitted forms or application packages for ethics approval requests, certificates of approval from other institutions, proposed measures for safeguarding personal information.

Retention Trigger

End of REB oversight of project and completion of project


Trigger + 7 years

Responsible Unit(s)

Research Services



Records System

Romeo; paper


Research Ethics Policy
Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions
TCPS2 Article 6.17

Record Authority

VP Research Innovation and International


Secure destruction

Records Arising from Activity

  • REB Ethics Application Form
  • Course-based Research Request Form
  • Secondary Use of Data Request Form
  • completed application package (application and consent/invitation letter, questionnaire, verbal interview script, survey, etc.

Retention Rationale

Needed to demonstrate compliance while research is ongoing. 7 year retention period would align with administrative and funding compliance requirements.

Personal Information


Vital Record


