Medication Administration - Nursing
Classification number | LACD 1403 |
Framework category | Local |
Approving authority | Academic Council |
Policy owner | Associate Dean of Nursing |
Approval date | Faculty Council November 2, 2022 |
Review date | November 2025 |
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the provision of appropriate experiences to develop medication administration competencies among undergraduate nursing students ensuring patient safety.
To meet ethical and legal duty/obligations around student success and patient safety.
Clinical instructor: a registered nurse contracted by the University to supervise students in the clinical environment. Their role is to ensure medication administration is carried out by students according to agency and regulatory standards, and best practices.
Preceptor: is nurse(s) assigned to oversee the practices and progress of a student nurse,including medication administration. As the student progresses towards more independence,the preceptor’s role may evolve from supervisory to mentorship.
Medication Practices: include administration, medication storage, inventory management and disposal that adheres to three main principles: authority, competence, and safety.
Scope and authority
The Policy applies to students in Year 2, Year 3, and Year 4 of the BScN and RPN to BScN Programs.
The Associate Dean (Nursing), or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration, and interpretation of this Policy.
All medications are administered by the student under direct supervision of the clinical instructor/preceptor. In year 4, the preceptor and the student will collaborate to sign off to indicate the student has demonstrated competency to administer medications independently,with the preceptor available for consultation.
All parenteral medications are administered under direct supervision.
BScN Collaborative students may administer medications when they successfully pass the oral medication administration critique in NURS 2810 Pharmacology for Nurses (i.e. oral meds when they pass the oral critique, parenteral meds when they pass the parenteral critique and IV meds when they pass the IV critique. The RPN to BScN students may administer medications when they have successfully completed the IV medication critique in NURS 2820 Integrated Health Assessment and Pharmacology.
All students regardless of external employment recognize that they function within the scope of a student nurse, and within the course learning objectives.
Students are not to be the co-signature for high alert medications, controlled medications,wastage, or medication reconciliation.
Students must pass the pre-practicum math test prior to each clinical as per the Nursing Program’s Math Test policy. [Nursing Pre-Practicum Math Assessment]
All students and clinical instructors must be aware of and follow the medication policies related to the specific clinical placement setting. The attestation form must be appended to the final evaluation [link to signature record in Practicum Handbook].
Monitoring and review
This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Associate Dean, Nursing, or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review this Policy.
Relevant legislation
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Related policies, procedures & documents
See BScN Skills List
See CNO Practice Standard: Medication 2015
See Practicum Handbook signature sheet for student to sign off;
Nursing Pre-Practicum Math Assessment Policy