Student Mental Health Policy
Classification number | ADM 1325 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | President |
Policy owner | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Approval date | January 30, 2025 |
Review date | January 2028 |
The purpose of this Policy is to describe the programs, policies, services and supports available at the University in respect of student mental health.
The University recognizes the significant impact of mental health on academic success, social interactions and overall quality of life and that each and every member of the University has the right to learn and work in an environment that does not have a harmful impact on their mental health. The University is committed to continue providing its students with access to various services and resources for mental health and well-being. This Policy has been developed with a number of best practices in mind such as prompt access to services, close collaboration with peers, proactive student-focused approaches, high quality counselling, and early alert system implementation.
For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply:
“Leave of Absence” means a temporary withdrawal from courses at the request of a Student and that is approved under the Supportive Leave Procedure to enable a Student to address health or other issues prior to return to studies.
“Mental Health Needs” comprises of the unique needs for care and support that a student requires to ensure their emotional, social and psychological well-being and to help the student deal with their state of mind and behaviour that adversely affects the student psychologically or emotionally.
“Student” means anyone who is registered in an undergraduate program or in a master’s or doctoral program at the University on either a full-time or part-time basis and Students will be interpreted accordingly to refer to more than one Student.
“Student Behaviour Policies” means the University’s policy instruments that regulate student conduct, including the Student Conduct Policy, Student Sexual Violence Policy, Respectful Campus Policy, Professional Suitability Policy, and Academic Integrity Policy and related procedures.
“Supportive Leave” means a leave directed by the University when a registered Student poses a risk of harm to themselves or others or poses a significant risk of disruption to their own or others educational experience. This may include a state or conduct that prevents them from being able to succeed academically, even with academic accommodations in place.
Scope and authority
This Policy applies to all Students registered with the University in accordance with its academic regulations.
The Provost and Vice-President, Academic, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy.
- The University is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and supportive environment that promotes the mental well-being of its Students and helps Students thrive emotionally, academically and personally.
To this end, the University:
offers accessible services, programs and workshops to support the Mental Health Needs of Students, and to ensure timely intervention; and
makes resources related to mental health available to all faculty and staff that are intended to reduce stigma by promoting awareness of Mental Health Needs, and facilitating a greater understanding of basic strategies and resources for supporting individuals experiencing a mental health challenge.
The University understands that individual Students have unique needs and aims to provide a range of services that will meet these unique needs with appropriate support and care.
Mental Health Services
Student Mental Health Services (“SMHS”) provides a range of mental health services following the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health’s endorsement of a Stepped Care model such as professional short-term counselling and therapy services, as well as appropriate referrals to supports in the community. The approach uses the optimized level of intervention to produce the most effective results.
The University offers the following services:
Single Session Supports provided by SMHS –
Intake session – one of the Mental Health and Wellness Facilitators will assess the Student’s needs and make recommendations.
Distress drop-ins – these are appointments focusing on current distress and may be available only during business hours.
Therapy and specialised supports – Therapy and specialised supports for Students who need one-on-one support from a mental health counsellor or a referral to a specialized program.
Students who have been impacted by sexual violence can access trauma-informed treatment and support for their wellness and healing by making an appointment. Mental health workers provide Students who have experienced sexual violence with a safe, therapeutic environment to discuss their experiences. The Student Sexual Violence Policy and Procedure provides various reporting and disclosure options that can be initiated by students
Mental Health Groups – Students can participate in a range of groups that will support their mental health.
Mental Health Peer Mentors – Peer Mentors provide emotional and social support.
Workshops – Workshops help Students participate in activities that support their mental health. One such workshop, Campus Connected, helps Students listen with empathy and engage with an attitude of care.
Self-Help Resources – Students can explore various ways to improve mental health using the on-campus and community resources, digital resources and information regarding helplines accessible on the Student Life webpages. Most of the community and digital resources may be accessed by individuals registered in a continuous learning program.
Student members of the Ontario Tech Student Union (“OTSU”) have access to additional services, such as an e-mental health program and a wellness centre.
Health Care Services
The Campus Health and Wellness Centre offers access to confidential and comprehensive services. Their team consists of physicians, nurses, a pharmacist, lab technician, residence outreach coordinators, and administrative staff working together to assist students in managing a healthy lifestyle and support mental well-being.
Student members of the OTSU also have access to a student health insurance plan.
Student Support Committee
The University has established a Student Support Committee (the “Committee”) to assess and review matters related to Student behavior that may be influenced by student mental health. The Committee is advisory to the Deputy Provost and the Office of Campus Safety, or other decision-makers under applicable Student Behaviour Policies
The Committee may assign a designate to provide support to individual Students in accessing resources and ensuring that appropriate Accommodations can be provided. The designate will also assist with any transition to a Leave of Absence or Supportive Leave, and support the Student in a return to learning.
Other Student Support Services
Students have access to an academic advisor whose advice and support may help address stress related to academic performance.
Students living in residence have access to Outreach Coordinators who provide coaching and support.
Student members of the OTSU have access to additional support services, including resources for financial wellness and student organizations such as faculty-based societies and clubs.
The University provides various other facilities and resources for promoting the overall well-being of its Students. These include resources and facilities for adopting a healthy lifestyle, for recreation, and for Students’ fitness.
Academic Accommodations
The University is committed to creating a campus community that is inclusive of all individuals. The University provides academic accommodations for qualified Students with disabilities in accordance with the Procedures for Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.
Interruption of Studies or Withdrawal
A Student may decide to withdraw, temporarily or permanently, due to Mental Health Needs in accordance with the University’s applicable policies and procedures.
The University will continue to offer such a Student access to mental health services and support until such withdrawal.
Mental Health Needs do not exempt Students from complying with the University’s Student Behaviour Policies.
Mental Health Needs may be considered as a mitigating factor in disciplinary or misconduct proceedings. When a Student is affected by Mental Health Needs, the decision makers and the recommending bodies under the University’s Student Behaviour Policies may acknowledge it as a mitigating factor, and must refer to appropriate support and approach the situation with due sensitivity.
Confidentiality of Disclosures
All disclosures made by Students regarding Mental Health Needs will be considered confidential and handled in accordance with applicable legislation and the University’s Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy or Privacy Policy: Personal Health Information Collection, Use and Disclosure, as applicable.
The University encourages Students to access these mental health services and to disclose Mental Health Needs to allow for early intervention. The University recommends such disclosure when they substantially impact the day-to-day activities of a Student. This enables the University to offer appropriate support at an early stage.
Monitoring and review
A report will be submitted to the Board of Governors every year on the implementation and effectiveness of this Policy in the preceding year. Reports will be available on the University’s website.
This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Provost and Vice-President, Academic, or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review this Policy.
Relevant legislation
Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Personal Health Information Privacy Act
Related policies, procedures & documents
Accommodation Policy
Accessibility Policy
Procedures for Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
Respectful Campus Policy
Student Conduct Policy
Student Sexual Violence Policy & Procedures
Academic Integrity Policy & Procedures
Access to Information and the Protection of Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy: Personal Health Information Collection, Use and Disclosure
Policy on the Recognition of Student Organizations
Student Association Accountability Policy