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RES-0900 Animal Care: Regulatory Approval


Consists of all records required for compliance with laws and regulations regarding research involving animal subjects. Some research conducted at the University is subject to Canadian and Ontario laws and regulations. Records required include record of animals in research facility as prescribed by the Research Facilities and Supply Facilities regulation. Also includes application, correspondence, submissions regarding registration of all research facilities under the Animals for Research Act, Good Animal Practice certificate from Canadian Council for Animal Care. 

Some research conducted at the University is subject to U.S. Federal Regulations regarding research involving animal subjects. Records required include assurances submitted to U.S. government departments, inspections, training records, evaluations and approvals of assurances, certifications of research projects under approved assurances, related correspondence, reporting, registration of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. 

Records of Animal Care Committee are required to support the approval of registration or certificates. See: Animal Care Committee records series: RES-0800 Animal Care Committee: Meetings and Decisions, RES-0810 Animal Care Committee: Membership and Training, RES-0820 Animal Care Committee: Review, Approval and Ongoing Monitoring, RES-0830 Animal Care Committee: Adverse Events and Non-compliance.

Retention Trigger

End of year


Trigger + 7 years

Responsible Unit(s)

Research Services



Records System



Animals for Research Act

Health Research Extension Act (or NIH Authorization Act)

Animal Welfare Act (7 U.S.C  § 2131)

Record Authority

VP Research Innovation and International


Secure destruction

Records Arising from Activity


Retention Rationale

Annual registration of research facilities is required. Good Animal Practice certificate places additional recordkeeping obligations on researchers using animal subjects.

Personal Information


Vital Record


