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Attendance Policy – Undergraduate Nursing Programs

Classification number LADM 1400
Framework category Local
Approving authority Academic Council
Policy owner Associate Dean of Nursing
Approval date Faculty Council November 6, 2024
Review date November 2026
Last updated May 2, 2019; Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020; May 2, 2022


The purpose of this Policy is to establish clear expectations and procedures regarding attendance and absences. This policy applies to all students within the nursing programs, in regards to orientations, classes, labs, and practicum experiences.


For the purposes of this Policy the following definitions apply:
“Attendance” means physical presence within the setting

Scope and authority

This Policy applies to all students enrolled in a nursing program.
The Associate Dean (Nursing), or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy.


To facilitate the development of nursing knowledge, praxis, and nursing care regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students throughout their program of study. This includes attendance at clinical orientations, class, labs, and practicum experiences. Absence(s) demonstrate a lack of professional accountability and may jeopardize a student’s ability to meet and demonstrate course-learning outcomes.

Attendance at course orientation to practicum, and attendance at any required agency practicum orientation is mandatory for all students. Students who fail to attend will not be permitted to proceed to practicum.

  1. Students may be required to attend agency orientation prior to the actual start of term.

Student attendance at clinical is mandatory. Students who fail to meet required practicum hours may not be able to meet the learning outcomes and this may result in a failing grade.

  1. A student who misses more than 10% of total practicum hours, for a given course, may be unable to meet and/or demonstrate the learning outcomes for the course, and may not receive credit for the course.
    1. A student who misses 10% or less of total practicum hours is not required to submit medical documentation or complete an Academic Consideration form.
    2. A student who misses 10% or less of total practicum hours, may be required to participate in a Collaborative Success Plan.
    3. In the event that more than 10% of a practicum experience has been missed for a legitimate reason due to an extenuating circumstance such as an incapacitating illness, severe family emergency or other compelling personal reason, students will be required to submit an Academic Consideration form, including medical or other supporting documentation if needed prior to returning to practicum. Academic Advising will advise the Year Coordinator so that the information can be disseminated to the appropriate Clinical Instructor or faculty.
    4. For any student who misses more than 10% of hours associated with a practicum experience participation in a Collaborative Success Plan is mandatory.
  2. Students who require accommodation upon return to the clinical, lab or classroom setting are required to contact Student Accessibility Services to initiate this process. An accommodation plan must be in place prior to returning to clinical to ensure safety of self and patients.
  3. If a student is unable to attend a practicum experience, or will be late, s/he must notify the appropriate individuals (e.g. clinical instructor, faculty advisor, preceptor, practicum site) prior to the experience beginning. Communication standards are outlined in the program handbook.
  4. If an instructor, preceptor, or faculty advisor identifies that a student is unprepared, incapacitated, or unable to provide safe and competent patient care during a practicum experience, the student will not be permitted to participate in patient care and may be required to leave the placement setting.
Vacations, during established practicum rotations, as outlined in the academic calendar, are not permitted.
Any known commitment that may affect a students’ attendance in the clinical setting must be discussed with the Associate Dean (Nursing) prior to the beginning of term.

Monitoring and review

This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Nursing Program Committee and the Associate Dean (Nursing), or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review this Policy.

Relevant legislation

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Related policies, procedures & documents

Ontario Tech University-DC / Ontario Tech University-DC-GC Nursing Program Handbook