University Field Trip Risk Management and Approval Directive
Classification number | LCG 1116.02 |
Parent policy | Risk Management Policy |
Framework category | Legal, Compliance and Governance |
Approving authority | President |
Policy owner | University Secretary and General Counsel |
Approval date | September 12, 2019 |
Review date | September 2022 |
The purpose of these Directives is to provide a Risk management and approval process for an Applicant planning a University Field Trip.
For the purposes of these Directives the following definitions apply:
“Applicant” means a course instructor planning a University Field Trip.
“Certificate of Insurance” means a standard document issued by an insurance company orbroker which evidences an insurance policy exists for a particular External Service Provider.
“Event” means any short-term organized activity, meeting, display, or form of public address bya User within or on a University Space.
“External Organization or User” means a person or organization that is not considered aUniversity Member.
“External Service Provider” means any organization providing any form of goods and/orservices. Goods and services include but are not limited to guest or key note speaker, catering,equipment and rental, photography, animal therapy, décor, and transportation.
“Space” means any location owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied by the University andmade available for temporary use.
“Mandatory University Field Trip” means any short-term educational/instructional experienceoutside of regular laboratory and classroom activities for students led and planned by aUniversity staff or faculty member, and has the following characteristics:
- Part of the student academic curriculum;
- Expand student learning, knowledge, or understanding of a subject; and/or
Provides active hands on experience.
“University Hosted Event” means an Event hosted, sponsored, or organized by the University, where the Applicant is a faculty or staff member, the Event benefits the University, and is held in University Space.
“Voluntary University Field Trip”: mean a field trip that carries all of the same characteristics of a Mandatory University Field Trip, with the exception that it is not required for academic credit.
Scope and authority
These Directives apply to all staff and faculty.
These Directives do not apply to Events.
These Directives do not apply to Student Organized Events as defined in the Booking and Use of Space Policy.
- External organizations or users are not within the scope of these Directives.
The Chief Risk Officer, or successor thereof, is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of these Directives.
Classroom activity that is held off-campus as a regularly occurring, integral, formal, and scheduled component of an academic course (e.g.; engineering courses), and identified as such in the course outline, are not considered to be University Field Trips.
Process Approval
- University Field Trips require approval under these Directives.
- The Applicant makes the appropriate pre-travel arrangements using the University Field Trip Risk Awareness Guide.
- The Applicant must adhere to the International Student Travel Policy and High Risk International Travel Policy as applicable.
- The Applicant completes the relevant University Field Trip form for approval in advance of the University Field Trip;
- Following Dean, or delegate approval the Applicant submits the form a minimum of ten (10) in advance of the University Field Trip to Risk Management, Security and any applicable course instructor(s) whose classes may be affected.
- Risk Management will:
- Request additional information from the Applicant for the purposes of Risk mitigation;
- Identify and/or collaborate on Risk mitigation strategies for the University Field Trip;
- Provide the Applicant relevant approvals and advise on necessary insurance documents;
- The Applicant arranges the necessary services with External Service Provider(s), and secures the appropriate contract agreement and/or Certificate(s) of Insurance.
The Applicant collects a signed informed consent from all participating students in a Mandatory University Field Trip, or a waiver from all students participating in a Voluntary Field Trip and retains in accordance with the Records Management Policy.
- University Field Trips require approval under these Directives.
Monitoring and review
These Directives will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Risk Management Committee or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review this Directive.
Relevant legislation
- Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.19
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.1
Related policies, procedures & documents
- Alcohol Policy
Accessibility Policy
Risk Management Policy
Records Management Policy
Student International Travel PolicyUniversity Field Trip Awareness Guide