Procedure to Select a New Chancellor
Classification number | LCG 1199.01 |
Framework category | Legal, Compliance and Governance |
Approving authority | Board of Governors |
Policy owner | President |
Approval date | January 2007 |
Review date | To be assigned |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020 |
Roles and Duties
The Chancellor is the titular head of the university and shall confer all degrees, honorary degrees, certificates and diplomas on behalf of the university.
Under the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act ("the Act"), the Board of Governors has the power to appoint and remove the Chancellor. The Act also stipulates that the Chancellor shall hold office for three years and that the Chancellor may be reappointed.
Procedures to Select a New Chancellor
When a vacancy in the office of Chancellor occurs, the Board shall establish a search committee to identify an individual who possesses a distinguished record of philanthropy and public service and embodies the mission and values of the University to be appointed as Chancellor.
The search committee shall be comprised of:
- the President, who shall chair the committee;
- three members of the Board, appointed by the Board; and
- three members of Academic Council, appointed by Academic Council.
The search committee shall establish its own criteria and process for selection. All proceedings of the committee are confidential.
The President shall confirm the willingness of the committee's nominee to be appointed prior to bringing the report of the committee forward to the Board of Governors for approval.
The appointment of a new Chancellor shall take effect upon a date determined by the Board.
In the event that a vacancy arises in the office of the Chancellor prior to the expiry of the individual's term of office (due to resignation, death or removal of the individual holding the office of Chancellor or for any other reason), the Board shall fill such vacancy in the manner contemplated above. The process shall commence at the first Board meeting following the creation of the vacancy or if it is publicly known that a vacancy will arise, at the first Board meeting after it is so known.
The Board may appoint a Chancellor to a second consecutive term without striking a new search committee.
The President is, by virtue of his or her office, the Vice-Chancellor of the university and, in the absence of the Chancellor or when that office is vacant, the Vice-Chancellor shall act in the Chancellor's place.