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Closure of a Faculty, School or Degree Program

Classification number LCG 1127
Framework category Legal, Compliance and Governance
Approving authority Senior Leadership Team
Policy owner Vice-President, Academic and Provost
Approval date August 2005
Review date To be assigned
Last updated Section 1 superseded by Institutional Quality Assurance Process Policy, June 23, 2020

Closure or Substantial Reconfiguration of a Degree Program

This section superseded by ACD 1501 Institutional Quality Assurance Policy Process and ACD 1501.04 Program Closure Procedures (June 23, 2020).

Closure or Substantial Reconfiguration of a Faculty or School

If, in the event of academic weakness, declining enrolment, financial exigency, or other significant circumstances, the Provost believes that it may be necessary to close or substantially reconfigure a Faculty or School, he/she shall inform the Dean and the Academic Council in a timely way of these concerns.

The Provost shall then consult with the Dean and the Faculty Council, seeking agreement that the unit should be closed or substantially reconfigured.

Whether or not such agreement is reached, the Provost shall prepare a recommendation to the Academic Council to close or substantially reconfigure a School or Faculty, stating the reasons for the recommendation.

On receipt of this recommendation, the Academic Council shall strike a five-person Committee of its members, to be chaired by a member appointed by the President, to gather information.

The Committee members shall seek the views of the Faculty Council, the Dean of the Faculty or School, the Dean of any related Faculty or School, the Registrar, the Chief Financial Officer, and at least two external assessors. The Committee shall also invite all core faculty members of the Faculty or School to comment on the recommendation if they wish to do so.

The Committee shall issue a report within 90 days of being appointed that presents the results of the investigation.

The Committee may:

  • accept the recommendation;
  • suggest alternative solutions;
  • suggest appropriate timing for the closure or reconfiguration of the Faculty or School; or
  • make recommendations concerning the redeployment of faculty members in the closed or reconfigured Faculty or School.

The Committee shall discuss its conclusions with the Provost and the appropriate Dean before forwarding its report to the Academic Council as a whole in an effort to reach consensus on the report. If the Provost does not accept the recommendations of the committee, s/he may still recommend closure or reconfiguration of the Faculty or School directly to the Academic Council.

After consultation with the Provost, the Committee shall forward its report to the Academic Council within one week.

In the event that the Committee and the Academic Council accept the Provost's recommendation to close or substantially reconfigure a Faculty or School the President shall inform the Board of Governors of the recommendation and the reasons for it.

In the event that the Academic Council does not accept the Provost's recommendation to reconfigure or close the Faculty or School the Provost may still recommend to the President that s/he advise the Board to close or substantially reconfigure the Faculty or School.   In this event, the President must make clear to the Board why s/he accepts the Provost's advice and why s/he is rejecting the advice of the Academic Council.

Tenured Faculty in Closed or Substantially Reconfigured Faculties or Schools

All tenured faculty members in a closed or reconfigured Faculty or School shall be entitled either to special leave of up to one year with pay to equip them to be re-appointed, if practicable, to another academic unit without loss or financial penalty or to an offer of severance.

Non-Tenured Faculty and Full-Time Academic Associates in Closed or Reconfigured Programs

Non-tenured faculty members shall be entitled to severance, or may apply for other positions in the University for which they are qualified.