Aircraft Approval Directive
Classification number | LCG 1116.01 |
Parent policy | Risk Management Policy |
Framework category | Legal, Compliance and Governance |
Approving authority | President |
Policy owner | General Counsel |
Approval date | September 12, 2019 |
Review date | September 2022 |
- The purpose of these Directives is to provide an appropriate use and approval process for the piloting of aircrafts on University premises, which is located within the Oshawa Aerodrome Controlled Airspace.
For the purposes of these Directives the following definitions apply:
“Applicant” means an individual or organization seeking to use Space.
“Controlled Airspace” is air space controlled by NAV CANADA, which requires a Pilot Certificate – Advanced Operations.
“Event” means any short-term organized activity, meeting, display, or form of public address by a User within or on a University Space.
“Piloted Aircraft” means an aircraft with a pilot on board.
“NAV CANADA” is the company that owns and operates Canada’s civil air navigation services which include air traffic control, airport advisory and flight information, and aeronautical information.
“Remotely Piloted Aircraft (“RPA”) Flight Authorization Request” is filed with NAV CANADA, issued for Controlled Airspace operations.
“Oshawa Aerodrome” means an area in which airport flight operations take place.
“University Space” means the exterior or interior of any location owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied by the University.
“Shared Space” means the exterior or interior of locations that are jointly occupied by the university and Durham College, such as the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre.
“Pilot Certificate – Advanced Operations” is a certificate issued by Transport Canada that is necessary to obtain in order to fly an RPA in Controlled Airspace.
“Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)” means a power-driven aircraft that is designed to fly without a pilot on board.
Scope and authority
- These Directives apply to all Applicants seeking to pilot aircrafts in University Space and/or Shared Space.
- The piloting or landing of all aircrafts, falls under the Restricted Space category of the Booking and Use of University Space Procedure.
- The use and operation of aircrafts in University Space is strictly prohibited without the approval of the University through this Directive.
- The University Secretary and General Counsel, or successor thereof, is the policy owner and responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of these Directives.
Approval Requirements for UAV Internal Applicants in Exterior Space
- The Applicant must read, understand and adhere to all legal requirements and related rules to flying drones as set out by Transport Canada.
- The Applicant must complete the mandatory Pilot Certificate – Advanced Operations, Certificate of Registration, and Flight Review required by Transport Canada.
- The Applicant will complete Appendix A.
- Once the Applicant receives the approved Appendix A, they must send the completed package including supporting documents of the Certificate of Registration, Pilot Certificate - Advanced Operations, and Flight Review to the Director of Risk Management fourteen (14) working days in advance of the first proposed start date.
- The Director of Risk Management will collect the appropriate signatures and notify the Applicant of the approval at least five (5) days prior to the first proposed start date.
- The Applicant must keep with them at all times while piloting the aircraft:
- Pilot Certificate – Advanced Operations;
- Certificate of Registration;
- Flight Review;
- A copy of the Emergency and Security Plans;
- Written RPAS authorization from NAV CANADA;
- The pilot’s name, address, and telephone number;
- A copy of the UAV system operating specifications and limitations;
- Some form of communication device (e.g.; cellphone) to report any incidents.
- The Applicant is required to obtain a written RPAS Flight authorization from NAV CANADA in advance of every proposed flight operation.
- Upon written RPAS Flight authorization from NAV Canada, the Applicant is required to confirm approval of the proposed flight with Risk Management, and the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability.
- The Applicant is required to contact security 24 hours in advance to access the restricted space on campus.
- The Applicant is responsible for immediately reporting any situations that arise during flight operations where the UAV has come into contact with any property or person, to the Director of Risk Management and Security as soon as reasonably possible.
- The Applicant is responsible for immediately reporting any situations and/or incidents including flyaway that arise to Transport Canada as outlined in the Pilot Certificate - Advanced Operations and Appendix A.
Approval Requirements for UAV External Applicants in Exterior Space
- The Property owner’s permission for the use of Space will be permitted at the discretion of the Director of Risk Management and in consultation with other University stakeholders.
- The Applicant must complete Appendix B and show proof of the following:
- Pilot Certificate – Advanced Operations;
- Certificate of Registration;
- Flight Review;
- A copy of the Emergency and Security Plans;
- A Certificate of Insurance naming the University and Durham College as additional insured’s for no less than five million dollars;
- A copy of the system operating specifications and limitations;
- Proposed “UAV Pilot Flight Log”;
- The Applicant must send the approved Appendix B and supporting documents to the Director of Risk Management twenty (20) days in advance of the first proposed start date.
- The Director of Risk Management will notify the Applicant of the approval at least five (5) days prior to the first proposed start date.
- The Applicant must keep with them at all times while piloting the aircraft:
- A copy of the Emergency and Security Plans;
- The Certificate of Insurance;
- Pilot Certificate – Advanced Operations;
- Certificate of Registration;
- A copy of the Emergency and Security Plans;
- Written RPAS authorization from NAV CANADA;
- The pilot’s name, address, and telephone number;
- A copy of the UAV system operating specifications and limitations;
- Some form of communication device (e.g.; cellphone) to report any incidents.
- The Applicant is required to obtain a written RPAS Flight authorization from NAV CANADA in advance of every proposed flight operation.
- Upon written RPAS Flight authorization from NAV CANADA, the Applicant is required to confirm approval of the proposed flight with Risk Management, and the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability.
- The Applicant is required to contact security 24 hours in advance to access the restricted space on campus.
- The Applicant is responsible for immediately reporting any situations that arise during flight operations where the UAV has come into contact with any property or person, to the Director of Risk Management and Security as soon as reasonably possible.
- The Applicant is responsible for immediately reporting any situations and/or incidents including flyaway that arise to Transport Canada as outlined in the Pilot Certificate - Advanced Operations and Appendix B.
Approval Requirements for Piloted Aircrafts and Flights in Interior University Space
- Consult with the Director of Risk Management for flights involving Piloted Aircrafts and/or flights in interior University Space.
- The Director of Risk Management will determine if an Applicant is permitted to conduct the proposed flight operation in University Space considering all evidence from the Applicant and in consultation with other stakeholders both internal and external to the University.
Monitoring and review
- These Directives will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Risk Management Committee or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review this Directive.
Relevant legislation
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.1
- Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.19
- Canadian Aviation Regulations
- Civil Aviation, Standards: General Safety Practices
- Interim Order Respecting the Use of Model Aircraft
- Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual
- Criminal Code of Canada
- Privacy Act
- Trespass Act
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act
- Canadian Transport Accident Investigations and Safety Board Act
Related policies, procedures & documents
- Booking and Use of University Space Policy
- Booking and Use of University Space Procedures
- Risk Management Framework Policy
- University-Hosted Event Risk Management and Approval Directive
- Appendix A - Aircraft Application for Internal Users
- Appendix B – Aircraft Application for External Users