Board of Governors Meeting Policy
Classification number | BRD 1001 |
Framework category | Board |
Approving authority | Board of Governors |
Policy owner | University Secretary |
Approval date | June 25, 2015 |
Review date | September 2015 |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020 |
The purpose of this Policy is to promote the effective organization and administration of meetings of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Board of Governors and its Committees.
For the purposes of this Policy the following definitions apply:
“Non-Public” means a Meeting that includes all members of the Board of Governors and those individuals invited by the Board to attend.
“Closed” means to move or hold a Meeting, or portion of a Meeting, to Non-Public or In Camera.
“Confidential” means information that, if broadly disseminated, would harm the organization, compromise strategic plans, disclose personal information or impact on competitive advantage.
“In Camera” means moving a Meeting, or portion of a Meeting, that includes only members of the Board of Governors.
“Meeting” means any gathering that:
- Includes the full membership, or quorum, of the Board, Executive or standing committee of the Board; and
- Is intended to discuss and/or materially advance the business or decision-making of the Board or a Committee of the Board.
“Public” means a Meeting open to all individuals, both internal and external to the University, in accordance with University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O.
“The Act” means the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O, and any amendments thereto.
Scope and Authority
This Policy applies to all meetings of the Board of Governors and the standing Committees of the Board.
The University Secretary, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy.
- The Board is committed to conducting meetings in a manner that is open and transparent, while at the same time balancing its responsibility and accountability for effective deliberation and decision-making.
Meetings of the Board
Meetings of the Board will be Public in accordance with The Act unless the Meeting, or a part thereof, may be Closed as specified in The Act and By-Laws.
The Board will conduct three types of Meetings as part of the regular administration of the Board and its Committees;
In Camera
Closed Meetings
There are circumstances where the Board Chair may Close a Meeting or portion thereof. In accordance with The Act and By-Law, the following topics of discussion will normally take place in a Closed Meeting:
- Matters pertaining to identifiable individuals or personal information that is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31 (FIPPA).
- Matters pertaining to identifiable individuals or personal information that is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31 (FIPPA).
Litigation, potential litigation or information that is subject to legal privilege;
Labour relations;
Contractual matters including contracts under negotiation or which have not yet been executed;
Matters which are deemed Confidential by the Board and/or its Executive;
Board self-governance, evaluation and management;
Meetings held for the purpose of education or training.
Meeting Procedures
- Meetings of the Board and its Committees will be held in accordance with the Board of Governors Meeting Procedures.
Monitoring and Review
This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Governance, Nomination, and Human Resources Committee, or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review this Policy.
Relevant Legislation
University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O
By-Law Number 1 of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Legislation
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31
Related Policies, Procedures & Documents
Board of Governors Meeting Procedures