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Vice-President Responsible for Research Appointment and Renewal Procedures

Classification number ADM 1313.05
Parent policy Policy on Senior Academic Appointments
Framework category Administrative
Approving authority President
Policy owner President
Approval date March 16, 2018
Review date February 2019


The purpose of these Procedures is to set out the process by which the appointment and/or renewal of the Vice-President responsible for research (VPR) will be conducted.


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Scope and authority

These Procedures apply to the appointment, extension, and renewal of the VPR.

The President & Vice-Chancellor, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration, and interpretation of these Procedures.


Term of Office

  1. The term of office of the VPR will normally be five years, with the possibility of a five‐year renewal. All renewals of the term of office of the VPR will be as outlined in these Procedures.

    1. No further renewal will be considered beyond two terms, except where the President, in consultation with the appropriate body of the Board of Governors, determines that unusual circumstances exist that would make such a renewal desirable.

    2. Where such circumstances exist (e.g. a failed search for a new VPR), the term of the incumbent VPR may be extended in accordance with section 8 of these Procedures.

  2. In the case of absence of the VPR the following Procedures will apply:

    1. During the temporary absence of the VPR for a period of up to two months, the VPR will recommend to the President the appointment of a Dean to serve as Acting VPR.

    2. In the event of the VPR’s absence for a period of more than two months or if the Office of the VPR becomes unexpectedly vacant, the President will recommend the appointment of an Interim VPR for a period of normally no more than one year, and forward the recommendation to the appropriate body of the Board of Governors.

    3. The term of an Interim VPR may be considered for extension beyond one year, upon the recommendation of the President, and with the approval of the appropriate body of the Board of Governors, where unusual circumstances exist that make such an extension desirable.

Initial Appointment

  1. Initial appointments will be made following a search conducted by a Search Committee that is advisory to the President.

  2. At least 12 months prior to the final year of outgoing VPR's term, the President will notify the Board of Governors of the need to appoint a Search Committee and initiate the appointment process in accordance with these Procedures.

  3. The President will call for nominations and, after consulting with the appropriate body of the Board of Governors, will appoint a Search Committee that, at a minimum, will consist of:

    1. Seven faculty members, at least one from each of the Faculties, including one Dean and one Research Chair;
    2. One graduate student;

    3. One administrative staff member from the office of the Vice-President responsible for research;

    4. One administrative staff member from Human Resources; and

    5. President (as Chair).

  4. The Assistant to the President will serve as Secretary to the Search Committee.

  5. Membership on the Search Committee will be conditional upon agreement to the confidentiality requirements as established in the Policy on Senior Academic Administrative Appointments.

  6. The membership of the Search Committee will communicated to the University community.

  7. All members of the University community will be informed of the steps being taken to appoint the VPR.

  8. All members of the University community will be invited to submit nominations and to communicate opinions concerning candidates.

  9. The Search Committee will consider the names suggested and also any additional names arising from any other source.

  10. Where a member of the Search Committee ceases to be a member for any reason, a successor will be chosen from the same subgroup as outlined above, unless the Search Committee has reached a stage in its deliberations where it deems such a replacement is inadvisable.

  11. The recommendation of the Search Committee and the recommendation of the President will be provided in writing to the appropriate body of the Board of Governors.

  12. When the Search Committee’s mandate has been discharged, members of the Search Committee will deliver to the Office of the President all documents and notes associated with the Search Committee’s work. The President’s Office will ensure that all confidential records are managed in accordance with applicable University policies.


  1. An incumbent VPR must provide notice to the President in writing at least 12 months prior to the final year of his/her initial term of appointment as to whether or not he/she intends to seek renewal.

  2. Renewal is not automatic. The term of the incumbent VPR may be renewed for a period not to exceed five years following review.

  3. Upon receiving notification of the request to seek renewal, the President, in consultation with the appropriate body of the Board of Governors, will consider the request.

  4. If the President or appropriate body of the Board of Governors decide to pursue the renewal process, the President will appoint a Renewal Advisory Committee and initiate the renewal process in accordance with these Procedures.

  5. The President will call for nominations and, after consulting with the appropriate body of the Board of Governors, will appoint a Renewal Advisory Committee that, at a minimum, will consist of:

    1. Seven faculty members, at least one from each of the Faculties, including one Dean and one Research Chair;
    2. One graduate student;

    3. One administrative staff member from the office of the Vice-President responsible for research;

    4. One administrative staff member from Human Resources; and

    5. President (as Chair).

  6. The Assistant to the President will serve as Secretary to the Renewal Advisory Committee.

  7. The mandate of the Renewal Advisory Committee will be to recommend to the President whether the incumbent VPR should be renewed. In the event that the recommendation is not to renew the VPR's appointment, the members of the Renewal Advisory Committee will serve as a Search Committee for a new VPR.

  8. Membership on the Renewal Advisory Committee will be conditional upon agreement to the confidentiality requirements as established in the Policy on Senior Academic Administrative Appointments.

  9. The membership of the Renewal Advisory Committee will communicated to the University community.

  10. All members of the University community will be informed of the steps being taken to renew the VPR.

  11. All members of the University community will be invited to communicate opinions concerning the incumbent VPR.

  12. If desirable, external stakeholder groups may be asked to communicate opinions concerning the incumbent VPR.

  13. Where a member of the Renewal Advisory Committee ceases to be a member for any reason, a successor will be chosen from the same subgroup as outlined above, unless the Renewal Advisory Committee has reached a stage in its deliberations where it deems such a replacement is inadvisable.

  14. The recommendation of the Renewal Advisory Committee and the recommendation of the President will be provided in writing to the appropriate body of the Board of Governors.

  15. When the Renewal Advisory Committee’s mandate has been discharged, members of the Advisory Committee will deliver to the Office of the President all documents and notes associated with the Advisory Committee’s work. The President’s Office will ensure that all confidential records are managed in accordance with applicable University policies.

Extension of Term

  1. The term of office of the VPR may be extended for one year periods up to a maximum of five years, provided that, prior to making a recommendation to the appropriate body of the Board of Governors, the President has:
    1. Considered the recommendation of the Search or Renewal Advisory Committee (as applicable);
    2. Consulted with the Senior Leadership Team; and
    3. Advised Administrative Council, the Senior Academic Team, Academic Council, and any successor bodies, of the pending extension.

Removal of the VPR

  1. In the event that significant complaints concerning the performance of the VPR are made, the President, who will then provide an opportunity for the VPR to discuss the complaints, will undertake an investigation.

  2. If, in the judgment of the President, the VPR should be removed, the President will provide the recommendation and reasons for removal to the appropriate body of the Board of Governors in writing.

  3. The President will transmit his/her own recommendation to the appropriate body of the Board of Governors. If the President recommends termination of the appointment:

    1. An Interim VPR will be appointed in accordance with section 5 of these Procedures; and
    2. The President will convene a search committee as outlined in section 6 of these Procedures.

Monitoring and review

These Procedures will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The President or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review these Procedures.

Relevant legislation

University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 8, Sch. O

By-Law Number 1 of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, as amended.

Related policies, procedures & documents

Policy on Senior Academic Appointments
Records Management Policy
Records Classification and Retention Schedule
Review of Alleged Breach of Confidentiality Directive (in development)