Student International Travel Policy
Classification number | ADM 1317 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | Senior Leadership Team |
Policy owner | Vice-President, Research, Innovation and International |
Approval date | October 11, 2016 |
Review date | October 2019 |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020 |
- The University supports and promotes safe and secure International Travel by students for the purpose of University Activities. The purpose of this Policy is to set out the requirements for international travel by students for University Activities.
For the purposes of this Policy the following definitions apply:
“Extended Student International Travel” refers to Student International Travel for the purpose of academic study abroad with a partner institution, work placement or experiential learning (internship, co-op, practicum, etc.), or research placement at a partner institution.
“High Risk International Travel” means travel to any country, or region of a country, for which Global Affairs Canada or its successor has issued a Government of Canada Travel Advisory of “AVOID ALL TRAVEL” or “AVOID NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL”.
“Student International Travel” means travel by registered students outside of Canada.
“University Activity” means any function that is directly related to, or arising from, the operations of the University for the purposes of carrying out its mission and mandate, including;
- Courses (credit or non-credit), field trips, study tours, student exchange programs, placements (clinical, practicum, internship, co-op, or similar), and athletics;
- Research and research-related activities;
- Teaching and teaching-related activities;
- University business including partnership development and cultivation, student recruitment, and attendance at conferences, meetings, symposia and/or other professional development programs.
Scope and authority
- This Policy applies to all Student International Travel and Extended Student International Travel associated with University Activities.
- This Policy applies to all registered students.
- The Vice President, Research, Innovation, and International, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy.
- The University is committed to managing and/or mitigating the risks associated with Student International Travel for University Activities.
All Student International Travel and Extended Student International Travel must be:
Approved, in advance, by the Faculty or Unit responsible for the planned activity;
Registered with the University in advance, in accordance with the Student International Travel Procedures.
In the case of an emergency that may jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of a travelling student, the University will make all reasonable efforts to coordinate with the student and Canadian government officials to support the safety of students.
High Risk International Travel
- Student International Travel must comply with the High Risk International Travel Policy.
Roles and Responsibilities
Responsibilities of Students: Students undertaking international travel associated with University Activities are responsible for:
Ensuring the necessary approval has been obtained from the University prior to travelling;
Completing the registration of travel in advance in accordance with the Student International Travel Procedures;
Preparing themselves in advance of travel, ensuring they meet all travel requirements, such as passport and visa requirements, vaccination requirements, etc.; and are responsible to ensure appropriate personal insurance is in place for travel; and
Conducting themselves in a safe and responsible manner while engaging in University Activities and following the University's Student Conduct Policy.
Responsibilities of Faculty or Unit: Staff and faculty members who organize University Activities that include Student International Travel must:
Communicate the requirements of this Policy and associated Procedures to the participating students; and
Ensure the necessary approval is provided to students prior to travelling; and
Ensure the planned travel complies with the High Risk International Travel Policy.
Responsibilities of the International Office: the International Office, or its successor, is responsible for ensuring that:
Administrative supports and tools are in place for the effective administration of this Policy and the associated Procedures; and
Information collected through the registration of Student International Travel and Extended Student International Travel is managed in a way that is consistent with University Policies and relevant legislation; and
Information is communicated with the Office of Risk Management, the Office of Campus Safety, the Faculty and/or Unit, and other internal and external partners, as required.
- The University reserves the right to suspend or cancel planned Student International Travel for non-compliance with this Policy and the related Procedures.
Monitoring and review
- This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years.
- The Vice-President Research, Innovation & International is responsible for reviewing this Policy and will consult with Faculties and other units and committees, as required.
Related policies, procedures & documents
Student International Travel Procedures
International Opportunities Committee Terms of Reference
Risk Management Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Student Conduct Policy
High Risk International Travel Policy and Procedures
Cotutelle Policy and Procedures