Postering in University Spaces Procedures
Classification number | ADM 1304.05 |
Parent policy | Booking and Use of University Space Policy |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | University Administrative Council |
Policy owner | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Approval date | November 12, 2019 |
Review date | November 2022 |
Consistent with the University’s Freedom of Expression Policy, the University is fully committed to free and open inquiry into all matters and, therefore, guarantees all of its community members the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, challenge, and pursue their work and studies in a safe and civil environment.
At the same time, the University has both the right and responsibility to manage the use of its spaces in a manner that maintains and improves the physical environment, promotes sustainability, and upholds its legal obligations, values and reputation.
To this end, the University has established a set of principles for Postering in University Spaces in order to:- Provide equal access to space designated for promoting campus news, information, policies, programs and events, while protecting campus property;
- Provide a means for students, student organizations, University offices and other University organizations to provide information and promote activities, events and services;
- Protect the campus from distracting commercial and promotional materials and activities sponsored or jointly-sponsored by external organizations;
- Maintain and improve the appearance of the physical environment of the campus; and
- Reduce the amount of paper used for posting and encourage recycling of removed materials.
For the purposes of these Procedures the following definitions apply:
“Designated Space” means an exterior or interior location within a University Space or Shared Space that is identified as a space where Postering is permitted.
“Event” means any short-term organized activity, meeting, display or form of public address by a Sponsoring Organization within or on a University Space.
“Expiry Date” means the date after which a poster may be removed.
“Postering” means the posting of print information in University Spaces.
“Shared Space” means the exterior or interior of locations that are jointly occupied by the University and Durham College, including the Libraries, the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre, the Campus Ice Centre, Campus Field House, and Campus Corners.
“Student Association” means the Ontario Tech Student Union (OTSU) and its recognized clubs and societies.
“Sponsoring Organization” means the Student Association, University Faculty, Department, or an organization that is subject to the terms of an agreement or contract with the University.
“University Space” means the exterior and interior of any location owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied by the University. Scope and authority
- These procedures apply to all Postering on University Space, with the exception of:
- University notices, evacuation and emergency announcements, health and safety and labour relations notices, and wayfinding signage;
- Postering on bulletin boards operated by a University Faculty, Department, Bargaining Agent or Student Association these spaces will be managed by the head of that area and clearly marked as such by the unit;
- Postering on or inside offices or personal workspaces; any content posted in these areas will be the sole responsibility of the individual. Any complaints will be filed according to the complaint process as per the applicable policy or procedures.
- Postering associated with student elections, which is subject to the OTSU Nomination and Elections Policy;
- Postering associated with elections to Academic Council or the Board of Governors in accordance with the following procedures:
- Academic Council Procedures for the Election of Teaching, Non-Academic Staff and Student Representatives
- Board of Governors Procedures for the Election of Administrative Staff, Student and Teaching Staff Governors
- Durham College spaces, which are covered by the College Poster Policy.
- Postering by student organizations, including clubs, societies and other student-led groups, must also adhere to the Student Association’s rules and procedures for Postering and approved posters must contain the OTSU poster approval sticker.
- The Provost and Vice-President, Academic, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of these Procedures.
- Wherever possible, individuals are encouraged to explore paperless options for promoting their events and activities. Some paperless options are outlined in Appendix A.
- Postering is only permitted in Designated Spaces located at the University as specified in Appendix B. The list of Designated Spaces will be reviewed and updated annually.
- Postering must adhere to the following requirements:
- Poster content must be consistent with the University’s values.
- Poster content must be approved by the respective Sponsoring Organization. Each Sponsoring Organization must have an internal process where poster content is reviewed and approved by a Dean, Vice-President, or Assistant Vice-President (or their delegate), or by an equivalent authority for affiliate organizations.
- Poster content must clearly contain the following information:
- The name and logo or wordmark of the Sponsoring Organization that has reviewed and approved the content;
- The date of the event, if applicable or the Expiry Date. All posters must be dated, even if the poster’s content is not date-specific; and
- For student organizations, a current OTSU poster approval sticker.
- Poster content should also be compliant as follows:
- Compliant with all applicable policies and laws;
- Respectful of intellectual property rights;
- Posters that promote the use of illegal substances, over-consumption of alcohol or drugs, and engagement in illegal behaviour are not permitted.
- Advertisements related to housing accommodations, off-campus employment or commercial goods are not permitted (see Appendix B for other means of communication).
- Postering must also be:
- Limited to one poster per Designated Space;
- On paper that is no more than 27.94 x 43.18 centimetres (11 x 17 inches) in size;
- Placed so as to not cover or block other posters; and
- Affixed by staples on bulletin boards, and white sticky putty on walls. The use of tape or other material that may damage a wall surface is strictly prohibited.
- Postering in Shared Spaces requires approval of the specific management of the Shared Space.
- Individuals and groups external to the University are not permitted to post information anywhere on University Space unless they are affiliated with a Sponsoring Organization. The name of the Sponsoring Organization that has reviewed and approved the poster content must be clearly identified on the poster.
- Postering in areas other than Designated Spaces, including near elevators, University directional signage, in building vestibules, washrooms, on windows, doors, floors and all other areas that pose a safety hazard is strongly prohibited and will be removed.
- Postering and poster content will be monitored by the Office of Student Life on behalf of the University on a weekly basis. Any posters that do not meet the requirements in Section 7, have expired, were posted incorrectly, or were placed in a location other than a Designated Space will be removed and recycled.
- Any extraordinary costs associated with poster removal or repairs made to any damage caused by inappropriate postering is the sole responsibility of the respective Sponsoring Organization.
- Posters are subject to all university policies, including the Freedom of Expression Policy, as well as the following legislation:
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Ontario Human Rights Code
- Canadian Criminal Code and Provincial Offences Act
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- All current University policies can be found on the website of the Office of the University Secretariat. It is the sole responsibility of the Sponsoring Organization to ensure that they have read and are abiding by all University policies.
- Complaints regarding a poster may be submitted to the Office of Student Life for review. Complaints should include the specific location of the poster and, whenever possible, a photo of the poster.
- Any individual or party found in violation of the content of this Procedure or with any other University policy will be subject to the appropriate University disciplinary process, determined by said policy, and may be subject to the loss of Postering privileges on the Ontario Tech campus.
Monitoring and review
- These Procedures will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Provost and Vice-President, Academic, or successor thereof, is responsible for monitoring and reviewing these Procedures.
Relevant legislation
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Ontario Human Rights Code
Canadian Criminal Code and Provincial Offences Act
Occupational Health and Safety Act Related policies, procedures & documents
- Booking and Use of University Space Policy
Booking and Use of University Space Procedures
Appropriate Use of Space Directives
Freedom of Expression Policy
Policy on the Recognition of Student Organizations
Student Conduct Policy
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Policy against Violence, Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace
Procedures to Prevent and Address Violence, Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace Appendix A
The University is committed to promoting a culture of sustainability and reducing our collective impact on the environment. To this end, we encourage University members to explore other means of promoting their events and activities, some of which are identified below. The list in Appendix A will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability, in consultation with the Office of Student Life, the Communications and Marketing department and the Ontario Tech Student Union, and updated accordingly. Appendix B
The list in Appendix B identifies the Designated Spaces where Postering is permitted in University buildings. Each Designated Spaces will be clearly marked with signage (“What’s happening at Ontario Tech”). The list of Designated Spaces will be reviewed each May by the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability, in consultation with the Office of Student Life, the Communications and Marketing department, and the Ontario Tech Student Union, and updated accordingly.