Policy on Senior Academic Administrative Appointments
Classification number | ADM 1313 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | Senior Leadership Team |
Policy owner | President |
Approval date | February 10, 2016 |
Review date | February 2019 |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020 |
Supersedes | Academic Staff Employment Policy (s. 1.12; November 2006) |
The purpose of this Policy is to establish the principles that support the appointment of Senior Academic Administrators within the University.
For the purposes of this Policy the following definitions apply:
“Senior Academic Administrative Position” means any of the following positions:
- Vice-President, Academic and Provost;
- Associate Provost;
- Dean;
- Vice-President with the designated responsibility for overseeing the University research function;
- Any other position as designated and approved in accordance with the University's Act and By-Laws.
“Senior Academic Administrator” means a person who holds a Senior Academic Administrative Position.
Scope and authority
- This Policy applies to the appointment of any Senior Academic Administrative Position.
The President is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy.
Senior Academic Administrators will be appointed for their intellectual and administrative abilities, devotion to university education and research, judgment and qualities of leadership. It is expected that they will have the ability to create an environment conducive to the University’s academic growth and operational success, as well the ability to maintain the confidence and cooperation of faculty, staff and students.
All Senior Academic Administrator appointments will be made in accordance with this Policy and the appointment Procedures for the applicable position.
Appointments to Senior Academic Administrative Positions will be term appointments, subject to review, renewal and term limitations, as specified in the By-Laws, University Policies and the applicable appointment Procedures.
The processes by which Senior Academic Administrators are appointed will be publicized widely and include consultation with the relevant and appropriate constituent groups.
Approval of Appointments, Suspension and Removal
- Unless authority is otherwise delegated by the Board, the appointment, renewal, suspension and removal of Senior Academic Administrators will be made upon the recommendation of the President to the Board of Governors, in accordance with the University's Act and By-Laws.
Senior Academic Administrator Position Requirements
A formal mandate and set of responsibilities will be established and maintained by the President, or other officer of the University to whom the Position reports, for each Senior Academic Administrative Position covered by this Policy.
A person appointed to a Senior Academic Administrative Position will normally hold a tenured appointment at the rank of Professor or must be qualified for an academic appointment commensurate with that rank.
Appointment Procedures
- The University will establish detailed appointment Procedures for all Senior Academic Administrative Positions.
Appointment Committees
The University will appoint search or renewal advisory committees to participate in the appointment processes for all Senior Academic Administrative Positions.
Committees will be broad-based and representative of the constituencies and/or functional areas for which the applicable position has responsibility, authority and/or significant influence.
The Terms of Reference for committees will be specified as part of the applicable appointment Procedures and made publicly available.
Committees will have general responsibility for the following, the details of which may be further specified in the applicable appointment Procedures:Committee members will maintain the confidentiality of internal committee communications, proceedings and deliberations, as well as all personal information to which the committee members are given access, in accordance with University Policies and applicable provincial legislation. The requirement to keep these matters confidential will continue indefinitely.
Search committees will be responsible for:
Establishing a position profile based on the education, knowledge, experience, and abilities required for the position;
Determining an appropriate consultation path and facilitating communication with the relevant constituent groups;
Interviewing candidates;
Making recommendations to the President, or other delegated authority where applicable, regarding suitable candidates for the position.
If appointed, renewal advisory committees will be responsible for:
Reviewing the position incumbent based on performance in the initial appointment and the ongoing requirements for the position;
Determining an appropriate consultation path and facilitating communication with the relevant constituent groups regarding the renewal;
Making recommendations to the President, or other delegated authority where applicable, regarding the renewal of an incumbent.
Transitioning to a search committee in the event an incumbent Senior Academic Administrator is not recommended for a renewed appointment.
- Committee members will maintain the confidentiality of internal committee communications, proceedings and deliberations, as well as all personal information to which the committee members are given access, in accordance with University Policies and applicable provincial legislation. The requirement to keep these matters confidential will continue indefinitely.
Monitoring and Review
- This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Vice-President, Academic and Provost is responsible to monitor and review this Policy.
Relevant Legislation
University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 8, Sch. O
By-Law Number 1 of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, as amended
Related Policies, Procedures & Documents
Graduate Faculty Appointments, Graduate Academic Calendar and Course Catalogue
Provost and Vice-President, Academic Appointment and Renewal Procedures
Vice-President Responsible for Research Appointment and Renewal Procedures
Associate Provost Appointment Procedures
Dean of Graduate Studies Appointment Procedures
Faculty Dean Appointment Procedures
Faculty Association Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty Collective Agreement