Non-Academic Staff Policies
Classification number | ADM 1310 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | President |
Policy owner | Chief Transformation and Organization Culture Officer |
Approval date | June 2010 |
Review date | To be assigned |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, May 30, 2022; February 18, 2020; See Appendix A |
Supersedes | Non-Academic Staff Policies, November 2006 |
The following policies form the basis of the terms of employment for all University of Ontario Institute of Technology non-academic staff. The university's non-academic staff can be subdivided into two groups: the Professionals/Managers and the Administrative/Technical Staff (each group having policies that are unique to that employee group). The majority of the policies that follow are common to both groups of employees; however, where the policies have particular applicability to one group or the other the policy will so indicate.
The university in its sole discretion reserves the right to amend or modify these policies from time-to-time as considered appropriate.
Continuing Employees
Continuing employees have no predetermined employment end date and hold positions that are considered by the employing unit as part of the staff complement of the unit and whose employment will continue unless terminated by the university in accordance with these policies or by the employee through resignation or retirement.Full-time Employees
A full-time appointment is based on employment of more than twenty four (24) hours per week on a regular basis.Part-time Employees
A part-time appointment is an appointment of not less than seven (7) hours per week on a regular basis and not greater than twenty-four (24) hours per week on a regular basis.Term Employees
Term employees are hired for an initial appointment of at least six (6) months in length and have a predetermined end date at which time the appointment will end. Term appointments are renewable for periods up to a total of two (2) years. Term employees may be hired on a project of a nonrecurring nature such as a replacement for a continuing employee who is on a leave of absence. -
Outside Employment
Employees may undertake employment external to the University with the written permission of the university, providing that in the opinion of the University, the activity will not interfere with the performance of the employee's duties or constitute a conflict of interest. -
Recruitment, Selection and Hiring
Any staff member, full-time or part-time, who has completed the probationary period, may apply for an internal position.
All continuing staff appointed job opportunities (which are not filled by promotion from within the same unit) will be advertised:
- consecutively, University-wide and as required, externally; or
on occasion, depending on the position internal and external advertising may occur simultaneously.
University-wide job opportunities will be advertised internally for a period of not less than five (5) working days.
Employees must submit an up-to-date résumé within the period indicated on the advertisement.
Selection, if any, will be based on the best qualified candidate for the position taking into consideration such factors as the candidate's qualifications, skills, education, training, previous related experience, ability and potential, and the requirements of the position.
Probationary Employee
A Professionals/Managers member hired from outside the University will be considered a probationary employee for a period of six (6) months. No renewed probationary period will be permitted where an employee transfers to another position within the University. The employment of a probationary employee may be terminated at any time for any reason whatsoever at the Employer's sole discretion during the probationary period without notice other than as may be required under the Employment Standards Act of Ontario. -
Administrative/Technical Staff
An Administrative/Technical Staff member hired from outside the University will be considered a probationary employee for a period of six (6) months. No renewed probationary period will be permitted where an employee transfers to another position within the University. The employment of a probationary employee may be terminated at any time for any reason whatsoever at the Employer's sole discretion during the probationary period without notice other than as may be required under the Employment Standards Act of Ontario.
The normal date of retirement (NDR) shall be the June 30th following a staff member's 65th birthday. Notwithstanding this provision, there shall be no mandatory retirement date for staff members whose 65th birthday occurs on or after October 1, 2006. Staff members who choose to work beyond the NDR are required to continue the full scope of their normal duties.
Salary Administration
This provision shall apply to all staff members holding full-time continuing appointments.
Salary Ranges
Salary ranges are constructed with a minimum and a maximum. The incumbent of each position will be informed of the salary range assigned to his/her position. Appointments will normally start at the minimum of the prescribed salary range for that position. Salary ranges are established in relation to market competitiveness and will be reviewed annually. Movement through the salary range is achieved through: across-the-board (ATB) increases established by the Board of Governors based on a review of inflation, market conditions, the financial state of the University, and merit increases based on a staff member's performance.
Annual Salary Adjustment Program
Professionals/Managers salaries shall be subject to two components:
- An across-the-board (ATB) adjustment to all salary ranges and to salaries within those ranges.
- A merit component based solely on performance.
An individual's salary will be red-circled at the maximum until such time as the salary ranges are adjusted.
Probationary Periods and Increases
Employees are hired at the salary rate applicable on July 1 of the year of hire and will not be eligible for any end of probation increase in salary.
Administrative/Technical Staff
Salary Ranges
Salary ranges are constructed with a minimum and a maximum. The incumbent of each position will be informed of the salary range assigned to his/her position. Appointments will normally start at the minimum salary step within the prescribed salary range for that position. Salary ranges are established in relation to market competitiveness and will be reviewed annually. Salary range increases are dependent upon: across-the-board (ATB) increases established by the Board of Governors based on a review of inflation, market conditions, and the financial state of the University. In addition Administrative/Technical Staff shall be entitled to career progression within the established salary range based on length of service.
Annual Salary Adjustment Program
Administrative/Technical Staff salaries shall be subject to two components:
- An across-the-board (ATB) adjustment to all salary grids.
- A career progression increase of one step within the salary range with every twelve months of employment to the maximum of the salary range.
An individual's salary will be red-circled at the maximum until such time as the salary ranges are adjusted.
Probationary Periods and Increases
If the Administrative/Technical Staff member's probationary period overlaps with the annual salary adjustment program the Administrative/Technical Staff member shall be entitled to the ATB increase.
Promotional Increases
A staff member may be eligible for a promotional increase when his/her position is reclassified to the next salary range or when s/he moves to a position classified at a higher salary range. The amount of the increase in salary should reflect the higher level of responsibility and will be determined by the staff member's unit head (e.g. Dean or Vice President) in consultation with Human Resources.
Pension and Benefits
Any Staff member holding a full-time continuing appointment who has not reached age 71 or other date as may be required by the Income Tax Act is eligible to participate in the University pension and benefits plans which are provided under policies of insurance with the plan providers. Any disputes arising between the employees and the applicable insurers shall be adjusted directly with the insurer and not the Employer.
The University will administer a defined contribution pension plan registered under the Pension Benefits Act of Ontario.
Pensionable earnings are include base salary, stipends, and any variable pay paid by or through the university.
Every plan member will contribute 3% of pensionable earnings to the plan and may elect annually to make voluntary contributions of up to a further 3% of pensionable earnings.
The University will contribute 6% of an employee's pensionable earnings to the plan. On an annual basis, an employee can elect whether a supplemental contribution of up to 2% of pensionable earnings is made to the pension plan or whether part or all of his/her supplemental contributions are deposited in the employee's Health Care Expense Account (HCEA).
University contributions to the pension plan vest immediately.
Staff members will direct the investment of both University and member contributions to the pension plan.
Both the University and staff members shall continue to make contributions in accordance with the Pension Plan requirements as set out above for those staff members who have postponed their retirement beyond age 65 the normal date of retirement (NDR). However, pursuant to the Income Tax Act, staff members will be required to commence pension benefits no later than the end of the calendar year in which a staff member attains age 69 or at such other date as may be required by the Income Tax Act (the required pension start date).
Benefits Plan
The University will provide to all full-time continuing staff the following benefits which shall become effective upon enrolment. The nature and extent of benefit coverage is governed by the terms and conditions of the relevant benefits plan. The terms of the plan prevail.
The University retains the right to alter or modify benefits plans from time-to-time.
Benefits include: semi-private hospital accommodation, prescription drugs, vision care, hearing aids, paramedical practitioners, private duty nursing, out-of-country emergency, dental care, long-term disability, and life insurance. The details of the specific plan coverage may be found on the University's Web site.
Each January 1st, the University will deposit an amount in each staff member's HCEA along with any supplemental contribution elected by the employee. The HCEA can be used to cover the cost of eligible health care expenses not fully covered by the University Benefits Plan.
Staff members who have not reached the normal date of retirement (NDR) age 65 shall be eligible for all the benefits as set out above. Staff members who choose to work beyond the NDR in accordance with the Article 1.5 of these policies shall be entitled to the benefits set out above with the exception of optional life insurance and long term disability coverage which shall continue in effect from the NDR to the earlier of the members actual postponed retirement date or the end of the calendar year in which the faculty member attains age 71 (the required pension start date under the Income Tax Act), at which point the benefits shall cease. Optional life insurance shall cease at age 69 and long term disability coverage shall cease at NDR.
All other benefits available to an employee will continue to be available to the employees who postpones retirement beyond his or her NDR, on the same terms as for other employees.
When an active member retires from the university, his/her benefits cease. If the member has ten (10) years of service with the university and has attained age 60, upon retirement from the University a Health Care Expense Account (HCEA), of $1,000 per year shall be provided for reimbursement of eligible health care expenses defined under the Income Tax Act. The HCEA will operate on a calendar year basis and as such the $1,000 annual amount will be pro-rated for retirements during the calendar year.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
All staff members will be covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act of Ontario. A staff member must report any work-related injury immediately to her/his supervisor and complete the prescribed forms.
Dependant Tuition Reimbursement Program (DTAP)
As a benefit for full time continuing employees, the University assists in the costs of an undergraduate post-secondary education for an employee’s spouse and dependants.
Under the provisions of the Dependant Tuition Assistance Program (DTAP) the University of Ontario Institute of Technology will provide funding to defray the cost of tuition for an eligible employee’s spouse and/or dependant(s) who is/are enrolled in a full time undergraduate program of study at an Ontario post-secondary institution.
Eligible Student is a student who is:
- the dependant or spouse of an eligible employee, and
- enrolled as a full-time student in an eligible Program of Study at any Eligible Post- Secondary Institution in Ontario.
Eligible Employee is an employee of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology who:
- is employed in a full time continuing capacity, and
- has completed six months of employment prior to the start of the first semester for which application for the DTAP benefit is made.
Eligible Post-Secondary Institution means a non-private educational institution recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
Dependant is a child who:
- is less than 25 years of age, and
- is dependent for support on the eligible employee.
NOTE: The age restriction of 25 years does not apply to a Dependant with a physical or mental disability who had this disability before the age of 25 years.
Child includes:
- a child of the eligible employee, or
- a step-child of the eligible employee, or
- an adopted child of the eligible employee.
Spouse is:
- a person married to an eligible employee under any formal union recognized by law, or
- a partner of the eligible employee who is of the opposite sex or of the same sex and who is publicly represented to be the spouse of the eligible employee.
Program of Study means:
- a full time Program of Study leading to an undergraduate degree or College diploma at any Eligible Post-Secondary institution in Ontario, and
- the first such Program of Study funded under the DTAP for the Dependant or spouse.
DTAP Benefit means:
- the partial reimbursement of tuition paid for a Program of Study of an Eligible Student.
The University shall establish annually a fixed sum of money available for the DTAP. Eligible Employees will follow the procedure to apply for the DTAP benefit for a Program of Study for their Eligible Student.
Eligible Students are eligible to receive the DTAP benefit for a Program of Study in an amount of up to 50% of the tuition for a first year Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program at the University for the semester(s) for which the application is being made.
For an Eligible Student attending the University, the value of the DTAP benefit will be 50% of the tuition for a first year Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program at the University.
Should the total value of all DTAP applications from all Eligible Students for the year exceed the fixed funds available, after providing for the DTAP benefit for Eligible Students attending the University, the amount of the DTAP benefit will be determined on a pro-rata basis such that there will be an equal sharing of available funds amongst all other Eligible Students.
The University will pay the DTAP benefit to the Eligible Student following the latest Program of Study withdrawal date in effect at the University. The University will provide the Eligible Student with a T4A for the amount of the DTAP benefit.
In the event the employment of the eligible employee is terminated for any reason during the time in which the Eligible Student is receiving the DTAP benefit, the DTAP benefit shall continue for the duration of the academic semester in which the termination of employment occurs.
The DTAP benefit is available for a maximum of up to four academic years in the Program of Study per Eligible Student.
The value of the DTAP benefit per Eligible Student does not change in instances where the Eligible Student is the Dependant of more than one Eligible Employee.
The eligible employee will complete the DTAP Application Form and supply proof of the Eligible Student’s enrolment in a Program of Study and proof of payment of tuition fees for the Program of Study to the Human Resources department by the dates designated by Human Resources.
DTAP Application Form
Staff Development Tuition Reimbursement
All full-time continuing employees who have completed three months of continuous service with the university shall be eligible to participate in the university's staff development tuition reimbursement program. Employees are eligible for tuition reimbursement up to a maximum of two (2) full courses per academic year (September 1 - August 31).
To provide staff members with opportunities for career and personal development by providing financial assistance to employees who are enrolled in a post-secondary program of study leading to a college Diploma or university Degree up to and including the Master's level.
To access tuition reimbursement a staff member must have completed an individual development plan that has been approved by his/her Dean/Vice-President. Courses should be taken on the staff member's own time outside of normal working hours. However if the course is not otherwise available, one such course at any one time may be taken during working hours if alternate work arrangements are made and upon approval of the Dean or Vice President.
Tuition Reimbursement
The university shall reimburse the employee 50% of the cost of tuition to a maximum of 50% of the tuition for a first year Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or the tuition cost of a first year Master of Science (MSc) program course at the University upon successful completion of a course for a qualifying staff member taking;
- An Ontario Tech University degree course up to and including the Master's level.
- A diploma or certificate program offered through Durham College.
Employment Related Courses Taken at Other Post-secondary Institutions
The university shall reimburse the employee 50% of the cost of tuition to a maximum of 50% of the tuition for a first year Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or the tuition cost of a first year Master of Science (MSc) program at the University upon successful completion of a course up to and including the Master's level at a recognized post-secondary educational institution other than the University or Durham College. In order to qualify, courses of study should be relevant in the opinion of the employee's Dean or Vice-President, to the staff member's present job or jobs in the same field to which the staff member might logically aspire.
Short Term Disability Leave
All full-time employees who have completed three months of continuous service with the university shall be eligible for short term disability leave.
An eligible staff member who has not reached their NDR will be granted sick leave with regular salary for a period of up to twenty-six (26) weeks and for a further twenty six (26) weeks at seventy five percent (75%) of regular salary annually for absences due to illness, injury not incurred in the performance of his/her regular job duties, absence due to quarantine through exposure to contagious disease, or because of an accident for which compensation under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act of Ontario is not payable.
Where any employee on sick leave returns to work, the benefit entitlement described above shall be reinstated upon the completion of twenty (20) consecutive working days.
Where an employee covered by this plan is absent due to illness or injury, debits shall be made from the annual entitlement on a day-for-day basis.
During absences due to illness or injury covered under this plan, all insured benefits shall continue and premium sharing arrangements shall not change as a result of absences covered by this plan subject to and in accordance with all applicable terms and conditions of the benefit plans.
A physician's certificate may be required by the University for any absence due to illness or injury regardless of the duration. Such certificate must include a prognosis and the limitations or restrictions associated with the absence.
The University reserves the right to require that an employee seeking to return to work following a period of illness or injury first provide a medical certificate satisfactory to the University confirming that the employee is medically fit to return to work.
A staff member who is hospitalized or confined by order of a doctor because of illness or accident while on scheduled vacation will be considered eligible for sick leave during the period of hospitalization or confinement providing the staff member provides a doctor's note confirming the period of hospitalization or confinement. In these circumstances, the staff member shall not claim the leave as vacation leave.
An eligible staff member continuing in employment beyond their NDR shall be granted sick leave with regular salary for up to a cumulative total of twenty six (26) weeks of short term disability coverage for all illnesses.
All full-time continuing and term-appointed staff members shall receive the following holidays with pay at their regular daily salary providing the staff member works his/her regularly scheduled day immediately preceding and following the holiday:- Family Day
- Good Friday
- Victoria Day
- Canada Day
- Civic Day
- Labour Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
- New Year's Day
- Boxing Day
Staff shall also receive the days between Christmas Day and New Year's Day as holidays with pay at their regular salary for the hours normally worked when the University is officially closed.
Hours of Work
Professionals/Managers are expected to schedule their own work to meet the requirements of their position and to arrange their work schedule to accommodate both their obligations to the University and to their family care responsibilities, health care appointments, religious observations, bereavement leave and other personal needs. Staff members are expected to consult with their supervisor regarding individual work schedules, as appropriate. -
Administrative/Technical Staff
The regular hours of work shall be thirty five (35) hours per week. Every Administrative/Technical Staff member is entitled to an unpaid lunch break. Administrative/Technical Staff members may request flexible scheduling arrangements in relation to personal needs. Employees must obtain the approval of their supervisor in writing. Such requests will be considered providing they do not impede the operational efficiency or service effectiveness of the work unit.-
Overtime for Administrative/Technical Staff must be authorized in writing, in advance, by the employee's immediate supervisor. Employees who work in excess of seven and one -quarter (7 1/4) hours in a day will be paid at the rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate of pay or granted equivalent time off in lieu of overtime pay for authorized hours worked beyond seven and one-quarter (7 1/4) hours in the day. Accumulated lieu time must be taken within twelve (12) months of the date on which it was earned.
All continuing full-time Professionals/Managers shall be entitled to vacation on the following basis:
Vacation shall accrue based on twenty two (22) working days' vacation after one year of continuous service with the University as of September 1st each year. Vacation credits will continue to accrue with one (1) additional vacation day for every additional year of continuous service to a maximum vacation entitlement of thirty (30) working days. Professionals/Managers with less than one year of service will accumulate vacation on a pro-rated basis.
Vacations, to the extent practical, will be granted at times most desired by the staff member. Professionals/Managers are expected to take their vacation within twelve months of the year in which it was earned. It is the responsibility of both the employee and their manager to ensure vacation days are taken regularly and within the appropriate vacation year. Employees must take the minimum amount of vacation time required under the Ontario Employment Standards Act. However, with the approval of their supervisor, a staff member may accumulate a maximum of twenty-five (25) days of vacation entitlement beyond the annual vacation allotment and it must be taken in the subsequent vacation year. Any vacation remaining in excess of the maximum twenty-five (25) carryover vacation days will be forfeited without compensation and removed from the vacation accrual balance at the end of the vacation year (August 31st).
Professionals/Managers will be granted vacation on a prorated basis up to the amount which has been earned prior to the vacation. Continuing full-time Professionals/Managers who are regularly scheduled to work less than a thirty five hour week shall accrue vacation on a prorated basis consistent with their regularly scheduled hours of work.
Administrative/Technical Staff
All continuing full-time Administrative/Technical staff shall be entitled to vacation on the following basis:
Vacation shall accrue based on fifteen (15) working days' vacation after one year of continuous service with the University as of September 1st each year. Vacation credits will continue to accrue with one (1) additional vacation day for every additional year of continuous service to a maximum vacation entitlement of thirty (30) working days. Administrative/Technical Staff with less than one year of service will accumulate vacation on a pro-rated basis.
Vacations, to the extent practical, will be granted at times most desired by the staff member. Administrative/Technical Staff members are expected to take their vacation within twelve months of the year in which it was earned. It is the responsibility of both the employee and their manager to ensure vacation days are taken regularly and within the appropriate vacation year. Employees must take the minimum amount of vacation time required under the Ontario Employment Standards Act. However, with the approval of the supervisor, a staff member may accumulate a maximum of twenty-five (25) days of vacation entitlement beyond the annual vacation allotment and it must be taken in the subsequent vacation year. Any vacation remaining in excess of the maximum twenty-five (25) carryover vacation days will be forfeited without compensation and removed from the vacation accrual balance at the end of the vacation year (August 31st).
Administrative/Technical Staff will be granted vacation on a prorated basis up to the amount which has been earned prior to the vacation. Continuing full-time Administrative/Technical Staff who are regularly scheduled to work less than a thirty five hour week shall accrue vacation on a prorated basis consistent with their regularly scheduled hours of work.
- Leaves
Leave of Absence without Pay
Personal or Professional Development Leave may be granted to continuing full-time employees for up to six (6) months with the written approval of the Dean or unit head as appropriate or for a longer period not to exceed one (1) year with the written approval of the Provost or Vice President as appropriate. Such leave must be applied for in writing at least three months in advance.
Pension and Benefit Continuation
Staff members on leave of absence without pay may choose to continue enrollment in the University benefits plan during the period of unpaid leave and will remain enrolled by paying both the University's and the staff member's portion, if any, of the premium cost subject to the terms of the benefits plan.
Under the terms of the University pension plan, pension contributions during an unpaid leave of absence are not permitted.
Personal Leave with Pay
Personal leave with pay may be granted to continuing employees to take time away from work for emergent events. Although employees are expected to try to schedule such needs outside of work time, it is recognized that this is not always possible. Examples of this type of need include religious observance, emergency dependent care, legal or specialist appointments, accompanying a dependant to hospital for surgery, pet emergencies, and moving day.
Employees may be granted up to a total of five working days per vacation year for such purposes. Personal days must be approved in advance. In cases of emergency, employees are expected to provide their supervisor with as much notice as possible. There shall be no carryover of personal days into the next vacation year.
Bereavement Leave
An employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay in the event of the death of a member of his/her family.
For an "immediate family" member, five (5) consecutive working days of paid leave at the employee's regular rate of pay will be provided. Immediate family is defined as the employee's spouse, common law spouse, same-sex partner, son, daughter, children of the employee's spouse, children of a common law spouse, children of same-sex partner, step-children, ward, brother, sister, father, and mother.
For an "extended family" member, three (3) consecutive working days of paid leave at the employee's regular rate of pay will be provided. Extended family is defined as the employee's father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild, grandmother and grandfather, grandparents of the employee's spouse, common-law spouse, or same-sex partner, step-mother and step-father.
If bereavement leave is required in the event of the death of a person significant to the employee and not specifically named in the definitions listed above, or additional bereavement leave is required in circumstances covered by the definitions listed above, it may be granted up to a maximum of two (2) days, with the approval of the employee's Supervisor.
Where an employee's scheduled vacation is interrupted due to a bereavement, the portion of the employee's vacation affected by the bereavement leave, as set out in this protocol, shall be rescheduled in consultation with his/her Supervisor.
Where bereavement occurs outside of Canada, at the discretion of the Supervisor, the employee may be given up to two (2) additional days of paid leave for travel purposes as may be reasonably required.
Bereavement leave may be taken at the time of the bereavement or in a non-consecutive manner in the event of a later memorial service. An Employee is expected to give his/her Supervisor adequate notice in the event of a later memorial service.
Additional time off may be approved by an employee's Supervisor and may include the use of personal days, vacation, lieu time or any other paid time owing to the employee, or, if none is available, unpaid time.
An employee shall contact his/her immediate Supervisor to request bereavement leave when it is required.
Self-Funded Leave Plan
All staff holding full-time continuing appointments.
The self-funded leave plan provides employees with the opportunity of taking a minimum of three (3) months and a maximum of one (1) year as a self-funded leave without pay to be used as the employee wishes providing that use does not contravene with Income Tax Act Regulations. Any full or part-time staff member who has been appointed on a continuous appointment for three (3) years or more is eligible to apply for a self-funded leave. No staff member may take a leave in the twelve months prior to his/her retirement.
Eligible staff members shall make a written application to their Dean/Vice-President, or the Provost with a copy to Human Resources at least six (6) months prior to the intended commencement date of the salary deferral. Approval of the request will rest with the appropriate Dean/Vice-President, or the Provost and the decision will be based on the operational requirements of the work unit.
During the deferral period preceding the leave, the employee will be paid a reduced salary, in accordance with the written agreement between the employee and the University. The remaining portion of his/her salary will be deferred and this accumulated amount shall be retained for the participant.
Pension and Benefits Continuation
A staff member on a Self-Funded Leave may choose to continue enrollment in the University benefits plan during the period of leave and will remain enrolled by paying both the University's and the staff member's portion, if any, of the premium cost subject to the terms of the particular plan.
Part-time Appointments for Family Care
Full-time continuing staff who have on-going responsibilities for the care of their family may request in writing a change to part-time status for a defined period, in order to devote more time to their family care responsibilities.
Maternity and Parental Leave
An employee who has completed at least thirteen (13) weeks of employment and who is the parent of a child is entitled to either a maternity and/or a standard or extended parental/adoption leave without pay in accordance with the Employment Standards Act of Ontario (ESA).
“Parent” means the father or mother of a new-born child and includes a person with whom a child is placed for adoption and a person who is in a relationship of some permanence with a parent of a child and who intends to treat the child as his or her own.-
Maternity Leave
An employee who wishes to take a maternity leave must have completed at least thirteen (13) weeks of employment with the University, before the expected date of birth, shall be granted a maternity leave of absence of up to a maximum of (17) weeks in accordance with the (ESA).
For all full-time continuing employees, such maternity leave shall be unpaid except for Section 7.5.3 the University’s Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan below.
An employee who wishes to take a maternity leave is required to notify the University at least two (2) weeks before the date on which such leave is to commence.
If, due to complications such as a stillbirth or miscarriage, where the employee wishes to return to work on a date earlier than that originally agreed to, the University shall endeavour to arrange for such earlier return to work and such request shall not be unreasonably denied, provided the employee is medically fit to return to work. -
Parental/Adoption Leave
There are two options available for eligible employees receiving parental benefits, either a:
- Standard Parental Leave (maximum of up to (37) weeks) within a 52 week period (12 months) or;
- Extended Parental Leave (maximum of up to 63) weeks within a 78 week period (18 months)
Eligible employees shall make an election at the beginning of their applicable leave periods and may not change their elected option once the applicable leave has commenced.
A parent who has taken a maternity leave may take a further leave of up to a maximum of thirty-seven (37) weeks of unpaid leave of absence or sixty-three (63) weeks in accordance with the eligible employees election at the beginning of the maternity leave. These leaves are also available to any other new parent who has been employed by the University for at least thirteen (13) weeks. Such leave shall be pursuant to the provisions of the ESA.
For all full-time continuing employees, such leave shall be unpaid except for Section 7.5.3 of the University’s Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan below.
- Supplementary Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan
All full-time continuing employees, who are entitled to a maternity and/or a standard/extended parental/ adoption leave, as the case maybe, and who provide the University with proof that the employee has applied for and is eligible to receive employment insurance benefits (EI), pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act of Canada, shall be paid an allowance in accordance with the Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan (SUB Plan).
SUB Payable during a Maternity Leave
In respect of the period of a maternity leave, payments made according to the SUB Plan will consist of the following:-
for the first one (1) week, payments equivalent to ninety-three (93%) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period, and;
up to a maximum of fifteen (15) additional weeks, payment equivalent to ninety-three (93%) percent of the salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period, less the sum of E.I. benefits and any other employment earnings received, and;
one (1) additional week of payments equivalent to ninety-three (93) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period,
- SUB Payable during a Standard or Extended Parental/Adoption Leave
The total value of the SUB benefits payable for either a Standard or an Extended Adoption/Parental Leave shall both be equal in total value and shall be disbursed over for the duration of the applicable length of said leave as set out under Section 7.5.2 above
The full dollar amount of the SUB payments made for an extended parental/adoption leave under this section, shall not exceed the full dollar amount of the SUB payments that would have otherwise been paid under a standard parental/adoption Leave under Section a) below.
SUB Payments for Standard Parental/Adoption Leave
In respect of the period of a standard parental/adoption Leave, payments made according to the SUB Plan, are available for up to a maximum of thirty-seven (37) weeks, and shall consist of the following:
i) for the first one (1) week, payments equivalent to ninety-three (93%) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period (not applicable where (a) above is paid out) and;
ii) up to a maximum of thirty-five (35) additional weeks, payments equivalent to ninety-three (93%) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period, less the sum of employment insurance (E.I.) benefits and any other employment earnings received, and;
iii) one (1) additional week of payment equivalent to ninety-three (93%) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period (not applicable where (c) above is paid out).
- SUB Payable during an Extended Parental/Adoption Leave
In respect of the period of an extended parental/adoption Leave, payments made according to the SUB Plan, are available for up to a maximum of 63 weeks, and shall be paid upon submission of proof of coverage and eligibility under EI benefits.
Total SUB payments, for the purposes of an extended parental/adoption Leave, is equal to the sum of the amounts that would be payable under Section (a) above and shall consist of the following disbursements:
i) for the first one (1) week, payments equivalent to ninety-three (93%) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period (not applicable where (a) above is paid out and;
ii) up to a maximum of sixty-one (61) additional weeks, payment equivalent to ninety-three (93%) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period, less the sum of employment insurance (E.I.) benefits and any other employment earnings received, and;
iii) one (1) additional week of payments equivalent to ninety-three (93%) per cent of the base salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period (not applicable where (c) above is paid out.
- Compliance with Employment Insurance Act of Canada
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the SUB Plans described above shall be construed so that they comply with Regulation 37 of the Employment Insurance Regulations including the following conditions:
An eligible employee who qualifies for benefits described above shall have no vested right to payments under the plan except to payments during a period of unemployment specified in the plan.
Payments in respect of guaranteed annual remuneration or in respect of deferred remuneration or severance pay benefits shall not be reduced or increased by payments received under the plan.
Benefit and Pension Coverage
An employee who goes on a pregnancy or parental leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act of Ontario shall have insured benefit and pension plan coverage continued during the period of the leave as follows:
The University shall continue the employee's benefit coverage for all insured benefits for which the University is responsible for payment of one hundred (100) per cent of the billed premium.
The University shall continue to pay its percentage of premium cost for all insured benefit and pension plans for which the University and the employee jointly share the cost, provided the employee continues to pay the employee's percentage of the premiums. The employee must notify the University in writing if he or she does not wish to have benefit coverage continued under those plans which require the employee to pay all or part of the premium cost.
Any benefit coverage that is based on an employee's rate of pay shall be based on the salary that the employee would otherwise have earned during the period of absence.
Dispute Resolution
Staff are encouraged to resolve disputes through full and open discussion of the problem with their immediate supervisor.
However, where the dispute cannot be resolved within the immediate supervisor-employee relationship, this process provides staff with an additional avenue for resolution of the problem.
All non-probationary employees who hold full or part-time continuing staff appointments with the University including staff members whose employment is terminated by the University.
Where discussion with his/her immediate supervisor fails to resolve the dispute, the employee may appeal in writing to:
- The next level of authority within his/her Faculty up to and including the Dean or Vice President as appropriate; or
- The Provost or the Provost's designate, for staff who report directly to a Dean or the Provost.
In exceptional circumstances, the staff member and his/her supervisor may agree to pursue nonbinding without prejudice mediation as a means of facilitating resolution of the dispute. In cases where mediation is recommended by other than the staff member or his/her immediate supervisor, both parties must be consulted and be agreeable.
If the staff member and his/her immediate supervisor are agreeable, a mediator will be selected from a predetermined list of mediation services. The mediator will meet with the parties and endeavour to effect resolution of the problem within a mutually agreed upon period of time.
Performance Management
All staff holding full-time continuing appointments.
The objectives of the performance management process are:
- to link planning, assessment and rewarding of results of each staff member to the achievement of University and Faculty objectives; and
- to foster excellence in the work place and contribute to the achievement of the mission of the University.
In consultation with the Professionals/Managers member, the supervisor establishes goals and objectives, appropriate to the responsibilities of the staff member's position which will support the achievement of the objectives of both the University and the Faculty.
During the year, the supervisor will monitor and provide periodic feedback to the staff member on his/her progress toward the achievement of established goals and objectives, identifying any obstacles and providing advice, training support and other assistance as may be needed to enable the staff member to perform to full potential.
On at least an annual basis, the supervisor will review and discuss the staff member's activity report which summarizes his/her achievement of established goals and objectives and will provide written feedback on these achievements, identifying any areas requiring improvement and plans for further development. The achievement of goals and objectives, quality of work and the staff member's contribution to both the Faculty and the University, will be taken into consideration in determining the annual merit increase.
Administrative/Technical Staff
Performance assessment is an ongoing process of communication between the supervisor and the Administrative/Technical Staff member. The process is a combination of; providing periodic feedback to the Administrative/Technical Staff member on her/his progress, formally reviewing and discussing the staff member's performance on at least an annual basis, and developing a training and development plan as appropriate.
Performance assessments will be based on performance expectations related to the duties and responsibilities of the position and/or established goals, which have been discussed with the staff member and documented prior to the review period.
The performance assessment is a consolidation of the periodic feedback provided throughout the review period. The objectives of the performance assessment are:
- to formally review and discuss the Administrative/Technical Staff member's performance;
- to provide the Administrative/Technical Staff member with the opportunity to comment on his/her performance and provide evidence of good performance and professional development, of which the supervisor may not be aware;
- to identify and review areas that need strengthening, if any, and to plan for training and improvement; and,
- to discuss and document goals, as appropriate, for the next review period and to plan training and development required to achieve them.
The performance assessment must be documented and signed by the supervisor. The employee shall sign the document acknowledging that he/she has read the performance assessment. The Administrative/Technical Staff member may provide a written response to the performance assessment. The staff member shall be provided with a copy of the performance assessment document.
Managing Unsatisfactory Performance
Where the performance of a staff member remains unsatisfactory following the provision of appropriate support, the supervisor will provide a written warning including what improvement is required if the staff member's employment is to be continued, any further assistance to be provided, and the period of time within which improved performance must be demonstrated.
Depending on the degree of improvement in performance, if any, the supervisor may, at the end of this warning period: extend the warning period, OR provide written notice that employment will continue provided that the improved level of performance is maintained, OR proceed to termination. The supervisor must have the approval of his/her Dean or Provost or Vice President, as appropriate, prior to the termination of the staff member's employment.
Termination of Employment
The employment of a staff member may be terminated as a result of reorganization or changing requirements for which the staff member is not suited or other circumstances where no cause for termination exists. Where termination occurs for reasons other than cause, individuals must be treated fairly and appropriate severance arrangements made. Where termination is for cause, employment may be terminated without notice or severance.
Termination for Cause
Where the decision to terminate the employment of a staff member is for cause such as unsatisfactory performance, including the culminating incident in a series of performance problems, fraud, violence, gross negligence of duty, or breach of confidentiality, the supervisor may, after seeking the advice of Human Resources and receiving the approval of the Dean, Vice President or Provost as appropriate, initiate an immediate termination without notice or severance.
Involuntary Termination Other Than for Cause
This policy applies to all full-time continuing staff.
Termination other than for cause may include circumstances such as departmental reorganizations or business process changes. In all cases, the supervisor may, after seeking the advice of Human Resources and receiving the approval of the Dean, Vice President or the Provost as appropriate initiate the termination of a staff member's employment.
Where the University decides to terminate employment without cause an employee will be provided with working notice or severance pay, or a combination of both, on the basis of three (3) weeks per completed year of continuous service** with the University, to a maximum of one hundred and four (104) weeks, inclusive of any entitlement to termination pay or severance provided that in no case will an employee receive less working notice than the minimum working notice required under the Employment Standards Act of Ontario or less severance pay than the severance pay, if any, required under the Employment Standards Act of Ontario. Such payments shall be less any withholding of taxes and other required deductions.
** Continuous service is defined as years of service from the staff member's most recent employment date as a full-time or part-time continuing employee.
Formal notice of termination specifying the termination date shall be in writing and will be delivered personally to a staff member or by registered mail to the home address most recently provided by the employee to the University.
All benefits coverage and pensionable service ceases effective the end of the notice period as prescribed by the Employment Standards Act. Employees shall have no claim whatsoever for benefits coverage or pensionable service beyond the end date of the notice period as prescribed by the Employment Standards Act.
The staff member will be required to sign a full and final release before receipt of any severance pay beyond that required by the Employment Standards Act.
Appendix A
Policy Approvals
Approval Authority
May 2004
Board of Governors
November 2006
Board of Governors
June 2010
Board of Governors
April 27, 2015
Section 3.5
Senior Leadership Team
April 29, 2015
Section 3.0
Section 3.1
Section 3.2
Board of Governors
November 7, 2016
Section 6.1
Section 6.2
Section 7.2
Senior Leadership Team
January 9, 2017
Section 7.5.3
Senior Leadership Team
September 24, 2018
Section 7.5, 7.5.1-5
February 18, 2020
Editorial Amendments throughout
Provost and VP Academic
May 19, 2022
Change of Policy Owner
Senior Leadership Team