Smoke Free Campus Policy
Classification number | ADM 1316 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | President |
Policy owner | Vice-President, Administration |
Approval date | June 2019 |
Review date | June 2022 |
Last updated | Editorial Amendment May 30, 2022; June 2019 |
Supersedes | Campus Smoking Policy, December 2005 |
The University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all University Members. The purpose of this Policy is to address the risks of exposure to (second-hand) smoke by prohibiting Smoking on campus.
For the purposes of this policy the following definitions apply:
“Smoke” or “Smoking” means the act of inhaling, exhaling, burning, holding or carrying any lit or active cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, or other apparatus used for Smoking substances, including electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), vaporizers and other electronic inhalant-type devices.
“Space” means any location owned, leased, rented or otherwise used by the University.
“University Member” means any individual who is
Employed by the University;
Registered as a student, in accordance with the academic regulations of the University;
Holding an appointment with the University, including paid, unpaid and/or honorific appointments; and/or
Otherwise subject to University policies by virtue of the requirements of a specific Policy and/or the terms of an agreement or contract.
“University Vehicle” means a University owned or leased vehicle, including fleet vehicles. An employee’s own vehicle is not considered a University Vehicle for the purposes of this Policy.
Scope and Authority
This policy applies to all University Members, visitors and guests in any University Space.
- University Members are expected to contact the Office of Student Life or the Human Resources Department with requests for the use of cannabis for medical purposes.
Tobacco may be burned on campus as part an approved event that includes Indigenous cultural ceremonies. Events will be approved in advance under the Booking and Use of University Space Policy.
The Vice-President, Administration, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy.
The University recognizes that:
- The majority of University Members do not Smoke;
- Direct contact with second‐hand, side-stream smoke, and vapour constitutes a considerable source of annoyance and a health hazard;
- Formal smoking policies are recognized as an effective way of reducing involuntary contact with smoke and vapour in workplaces;
- Accommodation should be made where possible for University Members who do not smoke;
Compliance with this policy will also reduce potential fire hazards.
- All individuals, whether they be students, staff, faculty or visitors, who are in violation of this policy are required to provide a valid and accurate student or government issued identification on request from Security.
- Non-compliance with this Policy will follow progressive protocols that include educations, warnings, fines and disciplinary actions in accordance with existing student, staff and/or faculty disciplinary procedures, as applicable.
- There will be no Smoking in:
a. Any University Space, whether indoor or outdoor.
b. Any University Vehicle;
c. Any vehicle in University Space (e.g. University parking lots or loading docks.)
Monitoring and Review
- This policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Health and Safety Officer, or successor thereof, is responsible for monitoring and reviewing this Policy.
Relevant Legislation
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.1, as amended
Cannabis Control Act, 2017, SO 2017 c.26, as amended
Places of Consumption, Ontario Regulation 325/18, as amended
Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017, as amended
Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations, SOR/2016-230, as amendedRegional Municipality of Durham By-Law Number 66-2002, as amended
Related Policies, Procedures & Documents
Accessibility Policy
Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities Procedures
Procedure for On-Campus Medical Cannabis Use by Students (in development)
Booking and Use of University Space Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Student Code of Conduct