Booking and Use of University Space Policy
Classification number | ADM 1304 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | Senior Leadership Team |
Policy owner | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Approval date | December 23, 2015 |
Review date | December 2018 |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020; Minor Amendment; s. 8.2(d); June 29, 2016 |
- The University endeavours to make Space available to members of the broader University community for their use for Events for short term purposes. The University has both the right and responsibility to manage the use of, and access to, its interior and exterior space to ensure that the University’s Academic and Administrative activities are supported. The University is further obliged to ensure the safety of the University community and facilities, and to uphold its legal obligations, values, and reputation. The purpose of this Policy is to establish principles for the booking and use of temporary space at the University.
For the purposes of this Policy the following definitions apply:
“Academic” means Events of an educational and research nature within the University,
“Academic Scheduling” means the use of space for activities related to the ongoing delivery of University programs and curricula, including classes, laboratories, tutorials, seminars, etc.
“Administrative” means Events relating to the ongoing management and operation of the University.
“Applicant” means an individual or organization seeking to use Space.
“Booking Authority” means the functional area designated with responsibility to manage the booking process for any Space.
“Event” means any short-term organized activity, meeting, display, or form of public address by a User within or on a University Space.
“External” means an Event proposed or held by an Applicant/User that is from outside the University.
“Space” means any location owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied by the University and made available for temporary use.
“Student Organized” means Events that are hosted and/or sponsored by a recognized student organization, as defined in the Policy on the Recognition of Student Organizations.
“User” is any organization or individual that has been granted permission to use Space.
Scope and authority
This Policy applies to the use of all Space for Events.
This Policy applies to all members of the University including faculty, staff, and students, as well as visitors or external organizations.
The Vice-President, Academic and Provost is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy
- The University endeavours to provide a safe environment, conducive to personal and intellectual growth, not only free of discrimination, injustice and actual or threatened violence, but also characterized by understanding, respect, peace, tolerance, trust, openness and fairness. The University is fully committed to promoting and advocating academic freedom and freedom of expression. At the same time, it has a responsibility to ensure that all members of its community can reasonably expect to pursue their work and studies in a safe and civil environment.
- General
The University will make Space available for use or uses in accordance with this Policy, the Procedures and Guidelines.
All Applicants and Users are expected to act in compliance with this Policy, the associated Procedures and Directives, as well as all applicable University policies, federal, provincial, and municipal laws.
Booking Authority Responsibilities
- The Booking Authority will have the authority to allocate the use of Space and is responsible for:
Managing of any request for Space for use within their jurisdiction;
Booking an appropriate space and confirming the booking with the Applicant.
Informing Applicants/Users of their responsibilities under this Policy and other related University policies;
Advising Applicants/Users if the use of Space may also be subject to the approval by the Office of Campus Safety, Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability, Student Life, the Director of Risk Management or other University authority.
Informing the applicable University offices and/or authorities, as identified in 7.1 d) above, when an Applicant has been directed to obtain additional approval for an Event.
Communicating all relevant information on indemnity and liability;
Ensuring all appropriate agreements for External use of Space are concluded prior to an Event;
- The Booking Authority will have the authority to allocate the use of Space and is responsible for:
Use of Space
- All use of Space will be managed by the appropriate Booking Authority, according to this Policy and its associated Procedures.
- Where there is competition for Space, the priority ranking for use of Space shall be:
Academic Scheduling
Student Organized
- Users will be expected to comply with all conditions, restrictions and obligations placed by the University on the use of a particular Space.
- All use of Space will be managed by the appropriate Booking Authority, according to this Policy and its associated Procedures.
Space Booking Changes & Cancellation
The University reserves the right to assign an appropriate alternate space for any Event.
The University has the right, at its sole discretion and for any reason, to refuse any Space booking request or cancel a Space booking.
Review of Decisions
- A decision under this Policy may be reviewed by the Policy Owner or delegate.
Monitoring and review
This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Vice-President, Academic and Provost, or delegate, is responsible to monitor and review this Policy.
Relevant legislation
Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.19
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11
Liquor Licence Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter L.19
Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.1
Related policies, procedures & documents
Booking and Use of University Space Procedures
Appropriate Use of Space Directives
Event Planning Policy and Procedure (under development)
Third-Party Event Procedures
Policy on the Recognition of Student Organizations
Risk Management Policy
Administrative Guidelines for Determining the Academic Schedule
Access Control Policy and Procedures
User Handbook (under development)