Adjunct Professors
Classification number | ADM 1309 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | Provost and Vice-President, Academic |
Policy owner | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Approval date | December 2011 |
Review date | To be assigned |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020 |
Supersedes | Academic Staff Employment Policies, S2.2 November 2006; Appointment of Adjunct and Clinical Faculty, September 2003 |
Adjunct or honorific appointments are held by individuals who are not employed by the university. These appointments are non-remunerated, limited term academic appointments given to individuals whose skills and expertise advance the University’s mission and mandate. This policy guides the designation of Adjunct Professors at the University.
Adjunct Professorships may be awarded to individuals who contribute to the academic activities of the university and its programs, but are employed by another institution or agency or may be retired from such employment. Such appointments are honorific and recognize an individual's knowledge, skills and expertise in a particular field, and her/his commitment to the University and its academic mission and mandate.
The role of Adjunct Professors is to provide input into the academic activities of the university, and to gain the commitment of key individuals in practice, research or administration to the development of the university and its academic programs. Adjuncts may contribute to the teaching functions in the graduate and undergraduate programs, and may also participate in research projects and other academic initiatives in the faculty as appropriate. In professional programs, Adjunct Professors may be practicum supervisors in clinical and training programs that require the close cooperation between such programs and the other institutions in which they are fully employed.
- Adjunct Professors
Adjunct Professorships may be awarded to individuals whose knowledge, expertise and skills will contribute to a program's research and teaching functions. Nominees for Adjunct Professor appointments must meet the equivalent standards to those that exist for tenure track positions at the university and will be actively engaged in research. Nominees may also be considered for associate graduate faculty status to serve on supervisory or examining committees or teach graduate courses.
In professional programs, Adjunct Professorships may be awarded to individuals whose knowledge, expertise and skills as a practicing professional will contribute to a program by providing market-oriented training required for accreditation and exposure to varying work environments. Such an appointment involves responsibilities relating to the clinical component of a program, normally through precepting or supervising students in field or practice placements. Nominees for such Adjunct Professor appointments must be members of their profession in good standing, have experience in providing clinical supervision, and be actively engaged in ongoing professional development.
Adjunct Professors are eligible to apply through the University to external research granting agencies. In so doing such applications are subject to the University's policies and procedures for the administration and management of research grants and contracts, including the ethical conduct of research and research integrity. Adjunct Professors are not eligible to apply to the University's internal research or professional development funds for financial support of their research or professional activities. - Appointment Procedures
The Dean, with the approval of the Provost, has the authority to make Adjunct appointments. Each nomination must be accompanied by a curriculum vita, along with a statement indicating the significant features of the contribution the individual will make to the academic activities of the faculty and the mutual benefits the appointment will bring. Where the nominee is an employee of an association, organization or business entity, the recommendation may also include a statement from the nominee's association, organization or business entity indicating agreement with the appointment.
Upon approval by the Provost, the Dean will write a formal letter of appointment that outlines the terms, duties and duration of the appointment.
- Adjunct Professors
Terms of Appointment
Adjunct Professors are not employees of the university and do not receive remuneration for their duties. Such appointments are not ranked, carry no implication of tenure and are not part of a bargaining unit at the university. Individuals may, however, receive honoraria for occasional lectures, seminar presentations, and practicum supervision.
Adjunct appointments may be made for a maximum of three years. These appointments must be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to serve the needs of both the appointee and the university. An Adjunct appointment may be renewed following an evaluation by the Dean.
An Adjunct appointee may, from time to time, also be offered a part-time, definite-term appointment at the university; however, such an employment agreement is separate from the appointee’s Adjunct status.
Adjunct appointees may arrange to have access to the library and other services as appropriate. While the allocation to Adjunct appointees of office space, laboratory space and assistance in support of scholarly work are desirable it is at the discretion of the Dean and subject to the exigencies of the academic unit. Such privileges will normally be granted on a limited basis and subject to review.
Adjunct appointees will not normally have voting rights within the faculty or university. They may serve on faculty or university committees, with voting rights, when clearly outlined in letters of appointment or upon the subsequent approval of the dean.
Adjunct Professors are expected to adhere to the policies, procedures and by-laws of the university and its faculties.