Classification number | ADM 1308 |
Framework category | Administrative |
Approving authority | Senior Leadership Team |
Policy owner | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Approval date | November 2006 |
Review date | To be assigned |
Last updated | Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020; February 2016; Amendment to Section 1.12 |
I. Appointment to the Core Faculty
Superseded by Deans, Associate Deans and Teaching Staff Governors Procedures
II. Appointment to Complimentary Academic Positions
Superseded by Limited Term Academic Associates Procedures
III. Appointments to Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Lectureships
This policy guides the establishment and designation of Chairs, Professorships, and Lectureships. The principal criterion governing the establishment of endowed positions is that they advance the University's academic goals, objectives and mission. Endowed positions also provide the University an opportunity to recognize a benefactor or to honour a scholar. A major goal of establishing such positions is to recognize and support faculty members of exceptional academic distinction. Such appointments assist the University in its efforts to attract and/or retain senior academics, especially in disciplines for which there are highly competitive markets.
The holder of an endowed position will receive or retain an academic appointment and is expected to develop a field of interest in the facilitation of learning and in research. University policies on academic appointments will be followed when making such appointments.
The President, on the recommendation of the Provost, and subject to the approval of the Academic Council, may approve the establishment of endowed Chairs, Professorships, and Lectureships that comply with the policy from any source of funds allowed by the policy. At the end of each academic year, the President will report to the Board of Governors on all Chairs, Professorships, and Lectureships that have been established in the course of the year.
Funding shall be sufficient to provide for the costs of the Chair, Professorship, or Lectureship. Funding for these costs, in addition to endowments, may be supplemented from the University's operating budget, government agencies, other gifts, or combinations of all three. In the case of Chairs, funding will be designated as a restricted fund by the Board of Governors to create a larger endowment. The sum and kind of resources required shall be determined by the Provost, in consultation with the Vice-President (Finance and Strategy) and must be approved by the Board of Governors.
Endowed Chairs
The establishment of an endowed Chair implies a continuing commitment to the position and to the discipline. A Chair should bring distinction to an academic unit and a chair holder will be a distinguished scholar. The appointment will be full-time at the rank of Professor, and normally carry tenure. Chair holders are expected to contribute to academic programs through teaching, research and/or creative professional practice and service. Upon retirement from a regular academic position, the holder will relinquish the Chair.
An endowed Chair may be established jointly by the University and an institution affiliated with the University. For designated endowed joint Chairs, the endowment may be established on terms jointly agreed on by both parties.
Funding shall be sufficient to cover the salary and benefits of the incumbent, and an appropriate measure of unrestricted support for scholarship, research and/or creative professional practice. Because the establishment of a Chair creates a continuing commitment by the University, full funding must also be continuing. The funding must be of sufficient value to ensure a continuing commitment to the Chair without the requirement of funds from the operating budget of the University. The financial resources required for the designation of a Chair will be reviewed annually and must be included in the annual budget report.
An endowment for a Chair may be provided by a perpetual gift from a source external to the University and restricted by the terms of the donation or bequest, or the Board of Governors of the University may establish an endowment for a Chair from any unrestricted funds available to the University, or by a combination of these sources. Initiatives may arise from a variety of sources; individual benefactors, trade unions, ethnic or cultural organizations, government agencies, corporations, academic units themselves, or from unrestricted funds available to the University. The terms of any such endowment shall be determined by the Board of Governors.
The University shall from time to time, normally for a three-year period or for the period of a capital campaign, determine a minimum value for any and all newly established Chairs. The standard value shall be based on the requirement of this policy and on the average salary and benefits for full professors, plus research support at a minimum of ten percent of salary and benefits. The value shall be $3.0 million (in current dollars as of the date of the agreement). If that amount is not sufficient to fund a particular appointment under the terms of this policy, the recipient Faculty must submit a plan for meeting the balance of the cost from funds already available to it.
An endowment may be established with the objective of providing funding sufficient to support an Endowed Chair within five years of its initial establishment. During the interim, the initial endowment may be used to establish an Endowed Professorship under the terms of this policy in which case the balance of the annual cost of the appointment must be met by the academic division.
Normally the naming opportunity for an endowed Chair will be given to the benefactor or funding agency contributing fifty-one percent or more of the value of the endowment. Naming is subject to approval by the Academic Council and the Board of Governors.
Endowed Professorships
An endowment may be established with the objective of providing funding sufficient to support an endowed Professorship. A Professorship is associated with a term appointment of distinction that may be held for a limited period. Individuals appointed to Professorships normally should hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor. Such appointments need not carry tenure and may be made on a contractually limited basis.
A Professorship may also provide supplemental funds for an existing position, normally at the rank of Associate of full Professor. The expendable income generated from an endowment may be used to contribute to the salary of the holder, provide support for her/his graduate students or research associates, or to fund research or travel.
Funding from all sources must be sufficient to cover the salary and benefits of the incumbent for the period of the appointment, and an appropriate measure of unrestricted support for scholarship, and research support normally equivalent to at least ten percent of salary and benefits. The value shall be at least $300,000 (in current dollars as of the date of the agreement). The commitment may be for a limited term. Support for Professorships may come from various sources but excludes revenue from research grants and contracts. External support may be for a fixed time or may be on a continuing or endowed basis. A Professorship may be established from the same range of sources as a Chair, but at a minimum of 15 percent of the value of a Chair. The balance of the annual cost of the appointment must be met by the respective academic unit.
A Professorship may also be established from an expendable -as opposed to a fully endowed- gift. The gift must be sufficient to support the Professorship for at least three years and at a level at least equivalent to 20 percent of the annual costs of the appointment, including salary and benefits and a provision for support of unrestricted research. The balance, if any, of the annual cost of the appointment must be met by the academic unit, excluding revenue from research grants and contracts.
Normally the naming opportunity for an endowed Professorship shall be given to the benefactor or funding agency contributing fifty-one percent or more of the value of the endowment. Naming is subject to approval by the Academic Council and the Board of Governors.
The disestablishment of Professorships shall either be provided for at the time of establishment, or by mutual agreement of the University and the donor following the expiry of the term of the appointee.
Endowed Lectureships
A Lectureship is an appointment that may be made at any rank on a renewable term basis. Such appointments may arise where there is a special need, or to assist in the renewal of established fields, or in developing new areas, or where a visitor from outside the University is desired. Lectureships may also provide supplemental funds for an existing position.
Funding should cover the salary and benefits of the appointee for the term of the appointment. A combination of sources of funding may be possible to support the Lectureship and provide some support for the teaching activities associated with it.
The disestablishment of Lectureships shall either be provided for at the time of establishment, or upon recommendation to the Academic Council following the expiry of the term of the appointee.
IV. Orientation, Performance Review and Professional Development
Superseded by Deans, Associate Deans and Teaching Staff Governors Procedures
V, Rights and Responsibilities
Superseded by Deans, Associate Deans and Teaching Staff Governors Procedures
- Security of Person and Property
Superseded by Policy Against Workplace Violence, Harassment and Discrimination and associated Procedures
- Security of Person and Property