Undergraduate and Professional Admissions Policy
Classification number | ACD 1527 |
Framework category | Academic |
Approving authority | Academic Council |
Policy owner | Registrar |
Approval date | June 28, 2022 |
Review date | June 2025 |
Supersedes | Undergraduate and Professional Admissions Policy, April 28, 2020; Admissions Regulations, Undergraduate Academic Calendar 2019/2020 |
The purpose of this Policy is to outline the rules and regulations which relate to both undergraduate and professional admissions.
For the purposes of this Policy the following definitions apply:
“Academic standing” means a student's official status of enrolment at the university as evaluated at the end of each semester; used to assess whether students are meeting the standards prescribed for continuing in the university and/or their programs.
“Academic year” means The period from September 1 to August 31.
Scope and authority
This Policy applies to applicants to undergraduate and professional-level programs.
This Policy does not apply to graduate-level applicants, please refer to the Graduate Academic Calendar.
The Registrar, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of this Policy.
Application deadlines
- Specific dates pertaining to the specific applicant type and the current year are provided at admissions.ontariotechu.ca. Applications submitted after published deadlines will be considered on an individual basis. With the exception of Ontario secondary school applicants, the university reserves the right to amend application deadlines without prior notice.
Assessment of eligibility
- The actual cut-off levels for admission will be determined upon receipt of application and grades. Preference will be given to the students presenting the strongest admissions averages. Students whose grades have been affected by exceptional circumstances should refer to the university website’s Special Considerations policy. Ontario universities support the full disclosure of all marks achieved in all attempts at secondary and postsecondary school courses. The university will use the highest grade obtained in a course in the calculation of averages.
- Applicants seeking information on the applicability of their educational backgrounds may seek informal guidance from the Office of the Registrar if their circumstances are straightforward. Applicants who want a formal assessment of their credentials prior to application should contact a credential evaluation service. Official determination of admissibility cannot be made until the point of application.
Admission requirements for post-degree programs
- Applicants to the university’s Bachelor of Education (consecutive) programs should refer to the following sections of the most recent Undergraduate Academic Calendar:
Admission requirements for undergraduate programs
Regardless of educational background, all applicants to undergraduate programs must have specific requisite subject knowledge for their intended program of study. The prerequisite subjects for each program and other program requirements are listed in the following section of the Undergraduate Academic Calendar: Programs (by degree). Current students and graduates of secondary schools (no post-secondary education) will be evaluated based on their secondary school courses Students who have followed a secondary school curriculum other than those listed are encouraged to visit the Undergraduate Admissions website or contact the Office of the Registrar for further information. The specific average of standing required for admission varies from year-to-year. Students are selected by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria including school marks, distribution of subjects taken, relevance to academic programs and supplementary assessment mechanisms. Possession of the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Preference will be given to the applicants with the best qualifications. Admission requirements are subject to change. Admission requirements, as stated in the Undergraduate Academic Calendar, are considered accurate as of the end of the previous admissions cycle. Undergraduate admission is ultimately the prerogative of the Dean of a faculty; the Office of the Registrar acts as their designated authority. Applicants seeking admission to the university for a different academic year should the Undergraduate Admissions website for specific admission requirements. The university reserves the right to accept or deny students based on overall performance through the variety of measures listed above.
Readmission of former Ontario Tech University students
- Students previously admitted to the university who have not been in attendance for two consecutive semesters and have not received a deferral will be required to apply for readmission to the university. Applications for readmission are submitted directly to the Office of the Registrar and adhere to specific deadlines. For admission following suspension, applicants should refer to the academic standing section of the Undergraduate Academic Calendar.
English Language Proficiency
- All applicants are required to give evidence of their oral and written proficiency in English. Further details are outlined in the Undergraduate and Professional Admissions Procedures document.
Honesty in applications
- Students must fully declare their educational history when applying to the university. Students must also advise the Office of the Registrar should they attend another post-secondary institution while a student at the university. Failure to declare previous or concurrent post-secondary education, or the falsification of any documents related to such academic pursuits, may result in suspension or expulsion from the university, including possible revocation of degrees awarded.
Review of admission decisions
- Individuals may request a review of their admission decision by submitting a formal written request for review to the Office of the Registrar within ten days of the original decision. Reviews will only be considered on the grounds of procedural irregularity and the decision of the Registrar shall be final. There is a charge for the review of admission decisions, which is refundable if the original decision is overturned on review.
Monitoring and review
This Policy will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Registrar, or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review this Policy.
Relevant legislation
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Related policies, procedures & documents
Undergraduate and Professional Admissions – Procedure