Procedures for Consideration of Missed In-Term Course Work and Examinations
Classification number | ACD 1506.01 |
Parent policy | Examination and Grading Policy |
Framework category | Academic |
Approving authority | Academic Council |
Policy owner | Registrar |
Approval date | September 26, 2023 |
Review date | January 2026 |
Supersedes | Procedures for Consideration of Missed In-term Course Work and Examinations, June 23, 2023; January 17, 2017; Editorial Amendments, February 18, 2020; Undergraduate Academic Calendar, Section 5.25, June 2015; University Scheduling Guidelines and Protocols, Section 2, May 2012 |
- The purpose of these Procedures is to ensure the consistent administration of requests to make up for missed in-term course work and examinations.
For the purposes of these Procedures the following definitions apply:
“Deferred Examination” means an Examination written outside of the originally scheduled day and/or time.
“Duly Licensed Practitioner” means a health care professional who is able to diagnose, prescribe and administer treatment within the scope of their license.
“Examination” means a form of testing intended to assess the level of students’ knowledge, ability, skills, comprehension, application, analysis, and/or synthesis of the subject matter in a course of study. This includes, but is not limited to in-person, online, take-home, practical, and laboratory Examinations.
“Final Examination Period” means the period of calendar days stated in the Academic Calendar that is set aside in each Semester and/or Session for the administration of Final Examinations.
“Final Examination” means an Examination scheduled during the Final Examination Period.
“In-term Course Work” means any course work assigned during the Semester or Session.
“In-term Examinations” means an Examination held during a Semester or Session.
“Other Acceptable Authority” means other professionals outside of the healthcare field including social worker, counsellor, funeral director, or legal professional.
“Semester” means sixty days of lectures and a Final Examination Period.
“Session” means a period of approximately six consecutive weeks in the Summer Semester consisting of 30 days of lectures and a Final Examination Period. The first half of Summer Semester is designated as Spring Session; the second half is designated as Summer Session.
“Supporting Documentation” means any documentation issued by a duly licensed practitioner or other acceptable authority which summarizes an individual’s extenuating circumstances and their impact on the individual’s academic performance. This includes: a medical/professional note, obituary, death certificate, an accident report, police report, or court order.
Scope and authority
- These Procedures apply to the request for consideration of all missed In-term Course Work and Examinations.
- These Procedures do not apply to doctoral candidacy exams, nor master’s and doctoral thesis defense examinations. For more information regarding these types of examinations, please refer to the University's policy library.
- The Registrar, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of these Procedures.
- To be considered for approval to make up missed In-term Course Work or an Examination, students must make a request that is:
- Based on one of the acceptable grounds set out in the Examination and Grading Policy;
- In adherence to the specific procedures associated with each of the
identified grounds for consideration and assessment type. - Within the specified, allowable timeframe. Note that timeframes vary depending on the grounds on which consideration is being sought; and
- Accompanied by the required supporting documentation. Consideration
without supporting documentation will be provided a maximum of once per academic term based on a student’s attestation. A single attestation can cover a range of dates, up to a maximum of three working days, encompassing multiple evaluations and courses. Subsequent requests will require submission of the appropriate supporting documentation. Notwithstanding the above terms, a student’s attestation will only apply to a single day within the final examination period. Students seeking consideration for multiple days during the final examination period are required to submit the appropriate supporting documentation.
- A course instructor or faculty representative, upon receiving a request, may request additional documentation as needed to support the request and/or make a decision.
- Students are bound by the university’s academic conduct policy whereby any misrepresentation of facts could result in academic sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension or permanent dismissal from the university.
- Students whose requests for consideration are approved are not exempted from completing long‐term, multi‐day projects that are in excess of the consideration period, nor does it exempt a group from submitting joint coursework within the required timeframe.
- To be considered for approval to make up missed In-term Course Work or an Examination, students must make a request that is:
In-term Course Work:
- Religious Observance: To request consideration for missed In-term Course Work on the grounds of a religious observance, the request must be submitted:
- To the course instructor in writing when missed coursework is worth 20 per cent or less of a student’s final grade; or
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate
Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing when the missed coursework is worth more than 20 per cent of a student’s final grade; and - As soon as possible in advance and no later than seven working days prior to the submission deadline of the In-term Course Work.
- Debilitating Physical or Psychological Illness or Event: To
request consideration to make up for missed In‐term Course Work on the grounds of a significant physical or psychological event or illness that is debilitating to the student’s academic performance, the request must be submitted:- To the course instructor in writing when missed coursework is worth 20 per cent or less of a student’s final grade; or
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing when the missed coursework is worth more than 20 per cent of a student’s final grade; and
- Within three working days of missing the submission deadline of the In‐term Course Work; and
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation for a maximum of three working days. Subsequent requests for consideration must be accompanied by supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner dated no later than 24 hours after the submission deadline of the in‐term course work.
- Family Emergency or Compelling Personal Reasons: In order to request
consideration to make up for missed In‐term Course Work on the grounds of a severe family emergency or other compelling personal grounds, the request must be submitted:- To the course instructor in writing when missed coursework is worth 20 per cent or less of a student’s final grade; or
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate
Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing when the missed coursework is worth more than 20 per cent of a student’s final grade; and - Within three working days of missing the submission deadline of the In‐term Course Work; and
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation for a maximum of three working days. Subsequent requests for consideration must be accompanied by supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner or other acceptable authority dated no later than 24 hours after the submission deadline of the in‐term course work.
- Religious Observance: To request consideration for missed In-term Course Work on the grounds of a religious observance, the request must be submitted:
In-term Examinations:
- Religious Observance: To request consideration for a missed in-term examination on the grounds of a religious observance, the request must be submitted:
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing; and
- As soon as possible in advance and no later than 15 working days prior to the original scheduled date of the in-term examination.
- Debilitating Physical or Psychological Illness or Event: To request consideration to make up for a missed in-term examination on the grounds of a significant physical or psychological event or illness that is debilitating to the student’s academic performance, the request must be submitted:
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing; and
- Submitted no later than three working days after the scheduled examination date.
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation for a maximum of three working days. Subsequent requests for consideration must be accompanied by supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner dated no later than 24 hours after the examination.
- Attending an Examination While Incapacitated or Falling Ill During an Examination: To request consideration on the grounds of a significant physical or psychological event or illness that is debilitating to the student’s academic performance after attending an Examination while incapacitated, or after falling ill during an Examination, the student must:
- Normally notify their instructor or invigilator of the significant physical or psychological event or illness prior to departing the exam. Failure to do so may result in no academic consideration being provided.
- Submit a request to the Faculty Office via the appropriate Academic Consideration Form no later than three working days after the scheduled examination date.
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation for a maximum of three working days. Subsequent requests for consideration must be accompanied by supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner dated no later than 24 hours after the examination.
- Family Emergency or Compelling Personal Reasons: In order to request consideration to make up for missed in-term examination on the grounds of a severe family emergency or other compelling personal grounds, the request must be submitted:
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing; and
- Submitted no later than three working days after the scheduled examination date.
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation for a maximum of three working days. Subsequent requests for consideration must be accompanied by supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner or other acceptable authority dated no later than 24 hours after the examination.
- Religious Observance: To request consideration for a missed in-term examination on the grounds of a religious observance, the request must be submitted:
Final Examinations:
- Religious Observance: To request consideration for a missed final examination on the grounds of a religious observance, the request must be submitted:
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing; and
- To the Office of the Registrar via a Request for an Examination Deferral Form; and
- As soon as possible in advance and no later than 15 working days prior to the first day of the Examination Period.
- Debilitating Physical or Psychological Illness or Event: To request consideration to make up for a missed final examination on the grounds of a significant physical or psychological event or illness that is debilitating to the student’s academic performance, the request must be submitted:
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing; and
- To the Office of the Registrar via a Request for an Examination Deferral Form; and
- Submitted no later than three working days after the scheduled examination date.
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation and will only apply to a single day within the final examination period. Students seeking consideration for multiple days during the final examination period are required to submit the appropriate supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner dated no later than 24 hours after the examination.
- Attending an Examination While Incapacitated or Falling Ill During an Examination: To request consideration on the grounds of a significant physical or psychological event or illness that is debilitating to the student’s academic performance after attending an Examination while incapacitated, or after falling ill during an Examination, the student must:
- Normally notify their instructor or invigilator of the significant physical or psychological event or illness prior to departing the exam. Failure to do so may result in no academic consideration being provided.
- Submit a request to the Faculty Office via the appropriate Academic Consideration Form; and
- To the Office of the Registrar via a Request for an Examination Deferral Form; and
- Submitted no later than three working days after the scheduled examination date.
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation and will only apply to a single day within the final examination period. Students seeking consideration for multiple days during the final examination period are required to submit the appropriate supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner dated no later than 24 hours after the examination.
- Family Emergency or Compelling Personal Reasons: In order to request consideration to make up for missed final examination on the grounds of a severe family emergency or other compelling personal grounds, the request must be submitted:
- To the Faculty Office for request consideration via the appropriate Academic Consideration form, and to the course instructor in writing; and
- To the Office of the Registrar via a Request for an Examination Deferral Form; and
- Submitted no later than three working days after the scheduled examination date.
- Consideration without supporting documentation will be provided once per academic term based on a student’s attestation and will only apply to a single day within the final examination period. Students seeking consideration for multiple days during the final examination period are required to submit the appropriate supporting documentation from a duly licensed practitioner dated no later than 24 hours after the examination.
- Competing Academic Conflict: In order to request consideration to make up for missed final examination on the grounds of a competing academic conflict, the request must be submitted:
- To the Office of the Registrar via a Request for an Examination Deferral Form; and
- As soon as possible in advance and no later than 15 working days prior to the first day of the examination period.
- Religious Observance: To request consideration for a missed final examination on the grounds of a religious observance, the request must be submitted:
Monitoring and review
These Procedures will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Registrar, or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review these Procedures.
Relevant legislation
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Related policies, procedures & documents
Examination and Grading Policy