Grade Reappraisal and Review of Academic Standing Procedures (Undergraduate)
Classification number | ACD 1510.01 |
Parent policy | Grading System and Academic Standing (Undergraduate) |
Framework category | Academic |
Approving authority | Academic Council |
Policy owner | Registrar |
Approval date | Minor Amendments May 18, 2018 |
Review date | |
Supersedes | Academic Regulations – Undergraduate Academic Calendar 2016-2017 |
- The purpose of these Procedures is to outline the process for undergraduate-level grade reappraisals and academic standing reviews.
For the purposes of these Procedures the following definitions apply:
“Academic standing” means a student's official status of enrolment at the university as evaluated at the end of each semester; used to assess whether students are meeting the standards prescribed for continuing in the university and/or their programs.
“Deferred Examination” means an Examination written outside of the originally scheduled day and/or time.
“Final Examination Period” means the period of calendar days stated in the Academic Calendar that is set aside in each Semester and/or Session for the administration of Final Examinations. Scope and authority
These Procedures apply to all undergraduate-level grade reappraisals and academic standing reviews.
These Procedures do not apply to graduate-level grade reappraisals and academic standing reviews. For more information regarding graduate level reappraisals and academic standing reviews, please refer to the Graduate Academic Calendar.
The Registrar, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of these Procedures.
- Grade reappraisals
- Request for an informal grade reappraisal
- Students unable to comply with given deadlines must contact their instructor prior to the deadline if an extension to the deadline is requested.
- All term work must be submitted by the last day of classes, unless an earlier date has been specified.
- Instructors may grant extensions beyond their own deadlines or beyond the last day of classes up to the last day of the Final Examination Period provided that a student presents reasons of illness, etc., with appropriate documentation.
- Extensions beyond the last day of the Final Examination Period can only be granted by the dean of the relevant faculty.
- Prior to engaging in a formal reappraisal process, students are expected to contact the instructor to discuss the grade received and to request a review of their course work.
- Students should be aware that a request for a formal or informal grade reappraisal may result in the original grade being raised, lowered or confirmed.
- Request for a formal grade reappraisal
- Such requests for reappraisal must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Registrar and must include:
- The specific academic grounds on which the request for reappraisal is based;
- Any relevant supporting documentation;
- The remedy being sought; and
- Proof of $30.00 payment (accounting receipt).
- Requests received more than 10 working days following the release of final grade reports for the relevant semester shall not be processed.
- Grade reappraisals of academic work for which there is no tangible record, such as an oral presentation, a performance, an internship, placement or practicum, will normally not result in a change of grade. If the instructor or reappraiser is persuaded that there is some doubt about the accuracy or fairness of the grade in such work, the only available remedy may require the student to repeat the work.
- Once the above materials are received, the Registrar's office will contact the relevant dean who will determine that the academic grounds relied upon by the student are sufficient and, if so, will commence the reappraisal process.
- The dean will be responsible for ensuring that the work is reappraised by an appropriate faculty member and for ensuring anonymity of both the student and the reappraiser.
- Prior to commencing the reappraisal, the dean will provide the reappraiser with information regarding the nature of the assignment and the rationale for the original grade.
- The student's request will be acknowledged by his or her faculty upon receipt.
- The dean will communicate the results of the reappraisal (including the reappraiser's comments) in writing to the student, the course instructor and the Registrar's office.
- The student will normally be informed of such results within 20 working days of the reappraiser having received the work.
- Such requests for reappraisal must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Registrar and must include:
- Request for consideration of a grade review (non-academic grounds)
- Evidence of these kinds of extraordinary situations should include official documentation from an appropriate professional.
- This route of reappraisal is intended to deal with those limited circumstances in which a request for deferral is not possible. A student who is aware that extenuating circumstances may affect performance will, wherever possible, seek Consideration of Missed In-term Course Work and Examinations as outlined in the procedures. Failure to do so may jeopardize the student's reappraisal.
- The formal request for review must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Registrar within 10 working days of the notification of the student's final grade.
- In all cases, the formal request must include:
- Specific details concerning the extenuating circumstances on which the grade reappraisal is requested and, where applicable, official supporting documentation from the appropriate professional.
- Any other relevant supporting documentation.
- The remedy being sought.
- The student's request will be acknowledged by the relevant faculty upon receipt.
- It is expected that the student will normally be informed of the decision by the dean of the relevant faculty in writing within 20 working days of submitting the request for review.
- Request for an informal grade reappraisal
Request for a review of academic standing
- Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Registrar within 10 working days of the notification of the student's academic standing.
- The request must include the grounds upon which the review is requested and any relevant supporting documentation.
- If the outcome of the faculty-level review is favourable to the student, the student's academic standing will be adjusted appropriately and the student may be required to satisfy certain academic conditions.
- It is expected that the student will normally receive the faculty's decision in writing within 10 working days of filing the request for review.
Monitoring and review
- These Procedures will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years. The Registrar, or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review these Procedures.
Relevant legislation
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Related policies, procedures & documents
- Grading System and Academic Standing Policy
Procedures for Consideration of Missed In-term Course Work and Examinations