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Faculty Council Vice-Chair Selection Procedures

Classification number ACD 1599.08
Framework category Academic
Approving authority Governance and Nominations Committee
Policy owner University Secretary
Approval date April 20, 2021
Review date April 2024


The purpose of these Procedures is to establish the process by which a Vice-Chair will be selected for each Faculty Council.


For the purposes of these Procedures the following definitions apply:

“Act” means the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O, and any amendments thereto.

“By-laws” means By-law Nos. 1 and 2 of the University, and any amendments thereto.

“Chair” means the chair of Faculty Council.

“Eligible Members” mean the tenured, tenure track, and teaching faculty of the Faculty who are not on leave.

“Faculty Council” means the body of a Faculty, established by the Board of Governors, that is responsible for the academic governance of the Faculty, the recommendation of new programs and courses, and the approval of policies of the Faculty.

“GNC” means the Governance and Nominations Committee of Academic Council.

“Vice-Chair” means the member of Faculty Council appointed to the position of vice-chair of Faculty Council.

Scope and authority

These Procedures apply to the nomination and appointment of a Vice-Chair.

The University Secretary, or successor thereof, is the Policy Owner and is responsible for overseeing the implementation, administration and interpretation of these Procedures.

These Procedures are established in accordance with the Act and the By-laws.


Vice-Chair Role

  1. Once per year, Academic Council will appoint a Vice-Chair for each Faculty Council from among the Eligible Members of that Faculty Council.
  2. The Vice-Chair will chair Faculty Council meetings in the absence of the Chair, and will be available to support the Chair, as requested.
  3. In the event of the temporary absence of both the Chair and Vice-Chair,  an Associate Dean of the Faculty will chair the Faculty Council meeting.


Term of Appointment

  1. The Vice-Chair will serve a one-year term, to be appointed by Academic Council, usually at the first meeting of the academic year.
  2. The Vice-Chair may not serve for a period longer than two consecutive terms.



  1. The Vice-Chair will be selected from among the Eligible Members of the Faculty Council.


Selection Process

  1. Prior to Academic Council’s first meeting of the academic year, each Faculty Council will solicit expressions of interest for the Vice-Chair role from its Eligible Members.
  2. The expressions of interest will be considered by the Dean and the Dean will make a recommendation to Academic Council through the Governance and Nominations Committee.
  3. When nominating a Vice-Chair, the Dean will consider the history of Vice-Chair appointments to ensure the Vice-Chair continues to reflect the demographic and cultural diversity of the communities served by the University.



  1. If the role of Vice-Chair becomes vacant during the academic year, the Faculty Council will solicit expressions of interest for the Vice-Chair role from its Eligible Members to be considered by the Dean.  The Dean will nominate a Vice-Chair for appointment by Academic Council through the Governance and Nominations Committee.


Monitoring and review

These Procedures will be reviewed as necessary and at least every three years.  The University Secretary, or successor thereof, is responsible to monitor and review these Procedures.

Relevant legislation

University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 8, Sch O

By-Law Number 1 of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology

By-Law Number 2 of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Related policies, procedures & documents

Faculty Council Terms of Reference (under review)
Faculty Council Executive Committee Terms of Reference (to be drafted)