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Agenda - March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015
2:30-4:30 pm
ERC 1058 

Teleconferencing Dial In: Toll-Free: 1-877-385-4099 (in Canada & U.S.)
Participant Passcode: 4833382#  

1.    Call to Order

2.    Agenda

3.    Chair’s Remarks

4.    Minutes of the Meeting of February 24, 2015*

5.    Business Arising from the Minutes

6.    Inquiries and Communications

7.    Provost’s Remarks

8.    Committee Reports

8.1   Executive Committee (Tim McTiernan)

        8.1.1   Academic Council Orientation – Follow up* (Cheryl Foy) (FOR INFORMATION)

        8.1.2   Academic Council Elections* (Cheryl Foy) (FOR INFORMATION)

8.2  Curriculum and Program Review Committee* (Bill Muirhead)

8.2.1    Faculty of Social Science & Humanities – Communication Program Nomenclature Change*

8.3  UOIT Policy on Posthumous Degrees and Certificates* (Brad MacIsaac)

9.    Fall Term Break* (FOR INFORMATION)

10.  Internationalization Strategy* (P) (Michael Owen) (FOR INFORMATION)

11.  Other Business

12.  Colleagues’ Exchange

Cheryl Foy, Secretary
*    Documents attached       (P) Presentation