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Agenda - May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
2:30-4:30 pm
SSB116AB (Student Services Building)


1.    Call to Order

2.     Agenda

3.     Chair's Remarks

4.     Minutes of the Meeting of January 15, 2013* & March 27, 2013*

5.     Business Arising from the Minutes

6.     Inquiries and Communications

 6.1    Synopses of the January, February & April Meetings of the Board of Governors*

7.     Provost’s Remarks

8.     COU Academic Colleagues report (Mark Green) FOR INFORMATION

9.     2013-14 Budget Presentation (Craig Elliott) FOR INFORMATION

10.   Committee Reports

 10.1   Honorary Degrees Committee (Tim McTiernan)* FOR INFORMATION

                   10.1.1    Conferral of Honorary Doctorates

         10.2   Research Board (Michael Owen) FOR ACTION

                   10.2.1    Policy and Procedure on the Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship*

                   10.2.2    Strategic Research Plan 2013-2018*

11.  Conferral of Degrees – Winter 2013* (Victoria Choy) FOR ACTION

12.  Conferral of Posthumous Degree* (Victoria Choy) FOR ACTION

13.  Other Business - Graduation Notwithstanding a Deficiency


Cheryl Foy, Secretary

* Documents attached