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Agenda - March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
2:00 – 4:00 pm
A144 – Community Room

1.     Call to Order

2.     Agenda

3.     Chair’s Remarks

4.     Minutes of the Meeting of January 17, 2013

5.     Business Arising from the Minutes

6.     Inquiries and Communications

6.1   Synopsis of the January and February Meetings of the Board of Governors

7.     Provost’s Remarks

8.     Committee Reports

8.1   Executive Committee (Tim McTiernan)  FOR ACTION

8.1.1        Report of the Task Force on the Transformation of Learning

8.2   Curriculum and Program Review Committee (Bill Muirhead)* FOR ACTION

8.2.1        Bachelor of Health Sciences*

8.3   Graduate Studies Committee (Brian Campbell)* FOR ACTION

8.3.1        Master of Science & Doctor of Philosophy in Forensic Psychology*

8.4   Research Board (Michael Owen)* FOR ACTION

8.4.1      For Approval: Research Ethics Policy

9.     Conferral of Degrees for Fall 2012*

10.   Other Business

Cheryl Foy, Secretary

* Documents attached