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Agenda - May 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
2:30-4:30 pm
**UA 3140 (Science Building)**


1.    Chair’s Remarks

2.    Minutes of the Meeting of April 17, 2012* 

3.    Business Arising from the Minutes

4.    Inquiries and Communications

5.    Provost’s Remarks

6.    Committee Reports

        6.1  Executive Committee (Tim McTiernan)* FOR ACTION

6.1.1      Creation of an Academic Council Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Structure

6.2  Admissions and Scholarship Committee (Victoria Choy)* FOR INFORMATION

6.2.1      FIRST Robotics Scholarship – Terms of Reference

        7.    Registrar’s Report (Victoria Choy)* FOR ACTION

7.1          Conferral of Degrees for the June 2012 Convocation

        8.    COU Academic Colleague Report (Mark Green) FOR INFORMATION

        9.    Other Business


        Olivia Petrie, Secretary

        * Documents attached