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Agenda - February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
2:30-4:30 pm
RBC Conference Room (UB 1055)

1. Chair's Remarks

2. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of January 18, 2011*

3. Business Arising from the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

5. Provost's Remarks

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Executive Committee of Academic Council (Ron Bordessa)* FOR INFORMATION

6.1.1 Student Representatives on Academic Council and the Executive Committee

6.2 Graduate Studies Committee (Brian Campbell)* FOR ACTION

6.2.1 Graduate Academic Regulations - Amendments*

6.3 Curriculum and Program Review Committee (Bill Muirhead)* FOR INFORMATION

6.3.1 Minor changes to courses and course sequencing

7. Other Business

Olivia Petrie, Secretary

* Documentation Attached