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Agenda - October 20, 2009

Community Room

1. Chair's Remarks

2. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of September 15, 2009*

3. Business Arising from the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

4.1 Summary of the Meeting of the Board of Governors, September 2009*

5. Provost's Remarks

6. Academic Council Committee Reports

6.1 Executive Committee (Ron Bordessa)* FOR ACTION

6.1.1 Academic Council Nominations

6.2 Admissions and Scholarship Committee (Victoria Choy)* FOR ACTION

6.2.1 Undergraduate Admissions Requirements 4.5.1: Applicants from Ontario Secondary Schools

6.3 Curriculum and Program Review Committee (Bill Muirhead)* FOR ACTION

6.3.1 Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Justice - Bridge Programs in Child and Youth Worker and in Youth Corrections and Interventions*

6.3.2 Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Senior) - Teachables in Health and Physical Education and History*

6.4 Research Board (John Perz)* FOR ACTION

6.4.1 Community-University Link Unit*

7. 2009-2010 Budget Update (Tom Austin) FOR INFORMATION

8. Other Business

Olivia Petrie, Secretary

* Documentation Attached