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Agenda - June 16, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Community Room

1. Chair's Remarks

2. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of May 19, 2009*

3. Business Arising from the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

5. Provost's Remarks

6. Committee Reports 

6.1 Executive Committee (Ron Bordessa)* FOR ACTION

6.1 (a) Academic Council Membership - Proposed Changes*

6.2 Admissions and Scholarship Committee (Victoria Choy)* FOR ACTION

6.2 (a) Guidelines for the Approval of Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards*

6.2 (b) Bachelor of Education, Consecutive Program - Admissions

7. Other Business

Olivia Petrie, Secretary


Documentation Attached