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Academic Council Agenda - April 18, 2006

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Community Room


1. Chair's Remarks

1.1 Update on Presidential Search
1.2 Ministerial Consent for Consecutive BEd (Primary/Junior) Program
1.3 Long-Term Operating and Capital Funding
1.4 2006-07 Operating Budget

2. Approval of Minutes

2.1 Minutes of the Meeting of March 21, 2006 46 KB [This link will open in a new window.]

3. Business Arising From the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

4.1 Association of Canadian Deans of Education - Summary of General Accord (B. Hunter)* FOR INFORMATION
     65KB [This link will open in a new window.] 

5. Provost's Remarks

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Executive Committee* FOR ACTION 69KB [This link will open in a new window.]

7. Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science Student Code of Ethics (M. Rosen)* FOR ACTION 
    14KB [This link will open in a new window.]

8. Other Business

8.1 COU Academic Collegue and Alternate (R. Marceau)* FOR ACTION 33KB [This link will open in a new window.] 

Donald Wallace, Secretary

* Documentation Attached