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Agenda - May 17, 2005

Academic Council

May 17, 2005

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Community Room


1. Chair's Remarks

2. Minutes of the Meeting of April 19, 2005 165KB [This link opens in a new window.]

3. Business Arising From the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

4.1. Report from the Academic Colleague to the Council of Ontario Universities (Carolyn Byrne)

4.1.1. Academic Colleagues Working Paper Series (two papers: "Universities and Democracy" by George Fallis [York] 996KB and "Interdisciplinarity in a Disciplinary Universe" by Kathleen Shailer [OCAD] 985KB) [Links open in a new window.]

4.1.2. COU Briefing Note on the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 68KB [This link opens in a new window.]

5. Provost's Remarks

6. "Quality Issues in University Evaluation Methods" Presentation by Professor Lorna Earl (OISE/UT) on Evaluation and Examinations (for discussion) (Professor Earl will be introduced by Vice-President Levin) 33KB [This link opens in a new window.]

7. Degree Conferral Motion (Richard Levin) 30KB [This link opens in a new window.]

8. Other Business

Consent Agenda

(A consent agenda item is deemed to be approved unless, prior to the commencement of a meeting, one or more members of Council advise the Chair of a request to discuss it.)

1. Transfer Credits, Faculty of Social Science (Curriculum and Program Review Committee) 94KB [This link opens in a new window.]

2. Membership of Tenure Appeal Committee (Richard Marceau) 28KB [This link opens in a new window.]

Donald Wallace, Secretary