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Agenda - February 15, 2005

Academic Council

February 15, 2005

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Community Room


1. Chair's Remarks

2. Minutes of the Meeting of January 18, 2005 (attached) 172KB [This link opens in new window].

3. Business Arising From the Minutes

4. Strategic Planning Presentation (Richard Marceau) (for information)

5. Inquiries and Communications

6. Provost's Remarks

7. Registrar's Items (Richard Levin)

7.1. Proposal on Academic Standing (for action) (attached) 68KB [This link opens in new window].

7.2. Academic Schedule 2005-10 (for action) (attached) 204KB pdf [This link opens in new window].

8. UNENE chair (George Bereznai) (for information)

9. Other Business

Donald Wallace, Secretary