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Agenda - March 16, 2004

Community Room - 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

1. Chair's Remarks 

1.1. Search Process for New Provost 29KB [This link will open in a new window.]

2. Minutes of the Meeting of January 20, 2004 133KB [This link will open in a new window.]

3. Business Arising From the Minutes

4. Inquiries and Communications

4.1. Report from COU (Carolyn Byrne) 25KB [This link will open in a new window.]

5. Provost's Remarks

6. Committee Reports

6.1. Executive Committee (for discussion) 48KB [This link will open in a new window.]

6.2. Curriculum and Program Review Committee (for action)87KB [This link will open in a new window.]
6.2.1a 632KB [This link will open in a new window.]
6.2.1b 142KB [This link will open in a new window.]
6.2.2a 406KB [This link will open in a new window.]
6.2.2b 22KB [This link will open in a new window.]

6.3. Academic Appeals Committee (for action) 97KB [This link will open in a new window.]

7. Presentation on the University Budget for 2004-05 (Sheldon Levy)

8. Academic Policies (for action)

8.1. Responsibilities of Academic Staff Toward Students (Michael Finlayson) (for action) 43KB [This link will open in a new window.]

Note: Since members of Council were afforded an opportunity to propose amendments to the document following the January meeting, no amendments will be accepted from the floor. 

9. Academic Dress (Trevor Rodgers) (for action) 34KB [This link will open in a new window.]

10. UOIT Teaching Award (Carolyn Byrne) (for action) 30KB [This link will open in a new window.] - Teaching Award Comments 30KB [This link will open in a new window.]

11. Other Business

(A consent agenda item is deemed to be approved unless, prior to the commencement of a meeting, one or more members of Council advises the Chair of a request to discuss it.)

1. Calendar Amendment (Richard Levin) 25KB [This link will open in a new window.]

Donald Wallace, Secretary