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Agenda - March 22, 2022

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

2:30 - 4:30 p.m., Videoconference
+1 647-733-9490 PIN: 422 478 841#


Suggested Start Time

1. Call to Order

2:30 p.m.

2. Agenda (M)


3. Chair’s Remarks

2:35 p.m.

4. Inquiries and Communications


5. Provost’s Remarks

  1. Senior Academic Administrator Search Update

2:50 p.m.

6. Integrated Academic Research Plan – Proposed Metrics (D)
(Lori Livingston & Sarah Cantrell)

3:00 p.m.

Committee Reports


7. Research Committee (Les Jacobs)

3:15 p.m.

8. Undergraduate & Graduate Studies Committees (Langis Roy & Bernadette Murphy)

  1. Ontario Tech Institutional Quality Assurance Process Policy Documents* (M)

3:25 p.m.

 9. Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC) (Langis Roy)

  1. New Indigenous Studies Minor* (M)

 Major Program Modifications

b. Faculty of Education: Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies Advanced Entry & Minor Programs* (M)

3:40 p.m.

10. Governance & Nominations Committee (GNC) (Lori Livingston)

  1. Nominations to FESNS Reconfiguration Review Committee* (M)

3:55 p.m.

11. Consent Agenda (M):

  1. Minutes of the Meeting of March 1, 2022*

4:00 p.m.

12. For Information:

  1. USC Minor Program Adjustments:
  1. Faculty of Business and Information Technology: Bachelor of Commerce Minor Programs*
  2. Faculty of Business and Information Technology: Bachelor of IT in Networking and IT Security*
  3. Faculty of Business and Information Technology: Bachelor of IT in Networking and IT Security Advanced Entry*
  4. Faculty of Education: Bachelor of Education – Primary/Junior*
  5. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science: Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive Engineering*
  6. Faculty of Health Sciences: Bachelor of Science in Nursing & RPN to BScN Bridge Programs*

b. GSC Minor Program Adjustments:

  1. MASc and MEng in Automotive Engineering and MASc, MEng, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering*
  2. MASc, MEng, PhD, and Graduate Diplomas in Nuclear Engineering*
  3. Master of Science in Nursing*

c. GNC:

  1. Update to AC Election Process*


13. Other Business


14. Termination (M)

4:05 p.m.

 Becky Dinwoodie, Secretary

 *Documents attached            (C) Consultation          (D) Discussion          (I) Information          (M) Motion