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Agenda - March 26, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
2:30 - 4:30 p.m., DTB 524

Toll-Free (Canada & U.S.): 1-877-385-4099
Participant Passcode: 1028954#

1. Call to Order

2. Agenda (M)

3. Chair’s Remarks

   (a) Senior Academic Administrator Search (U)

4. Minutes of the Meeting of February 26, 2019* (M)

5. Business Arising from the Minutes

6. Inquiries and Communications

7. Provost’s Remarks

8. Policy Consultation:

   (a) Student Sexual Violence Policy & Procedures* (presentation) (C) (Olivia Petrie)

9. Committee Reports

 9.1 Curriculum and Program Review Committee (Glenn Harvel)

  9.1.1 For Approval:

      (a) Equity Admissions Policy for Undergraduate Academic Calendar* (M)

 9.2 Graduate Studies Committee (Langis Roy)

  9.2.1 For Information:

   (a) Minor Program Adjustment – MSc and PhD in Computer Science* (I)

 9.3 Governance & Nominations Committee (tbc)

   (a) Appointment to Research Board* (M)

   (b) 2019-2020 Election Results* (M)

10. Other Business

Becky Dinwoodie, Secretary

*Documents attached (C) Consultation (D) Discussion (I) Information (M) Motion