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Agenda - January 17, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2016
2:30-4:30 p.m., ERC 1058

Toll-Free (Canada & U.S.): 1-877-385-4099
Participant Passcode: 1028954#

1. Call to Order

2. Agenda (A)

3. Chair’s Remarks

4. Minutes of the Meeting of November 15, 2016*

5. Business Arising from the Minutes

6. Inquiries and Communications

7. Provost’s Remarks

Retention* (I) (D. Saucier)

8. Committee Reports

8.1 Curriculum and Program Review Committee* (R. Bailey)


(a) Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science - Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering – Major Program Modification* (A)

(b) Faculty of Science - Bachelor of Science ‐ Major Program Modification* (A)


(a) Faculty of Business and Information Technology - Bachelor of Information Technology in Game Development and Entrepreneurship – Minor Program Adjustment*

(b) Faculty of Business and Information Technology - Bachelors of Commerce and Information Technology – Minor Program Adjustment*

(c) Faculty of Business and Information Technology - Bachelor of Commerce – Minor Program Adjustment*

(d) Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science - Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear Engineering – Minor Program Adjustment*

(e) Faculty of Science - Bachelor of Science in Chemistry – Minor Program Adjustment*

(f) Faculty of Science - Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science – Minor Program Adjustment*

(g) Faculty of Science - Bachelor of Science – Minor Program Adjustment*

(h) Faculty of Social Science and Humanities - Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Justice – Minor Program Adjustment*

8.2 Graduate Studies Committee & Curriculum and Program Review Committee* (R. Bailey and L. Roy)


(a) Examination and Grading Policy* (A)


(a) Procedures for Accommodation of Missed In-Term Course Work and Examinations*

(b) Procedures for Final Examination Administration*

8.3 Graduate Studies Committee* (L. Roy)


(a) Updated Canada Graduate Scholarships - CGS‐M internal guidelines

(b) SSHRC Doctoral internal guidelines

(c) Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) internal guidelines

8.4 Executive Committee

8.4.1 Academic Council Governance

(a) Nominations for ACX and COU Academic Colleague Alternate* (M) (B. Dinwoodie)

(b) Temporary Replacement Nominations Due to Early Departures* (M) (B. Dinwoodie)

(c) Appointment of Representative to GSC* (M) (L. Roy)

(d) Appointment of Representatives to Research Board* (M) (M. Owen)

(e) Board By-Law Review Project (U) (C. Foy)

9. International Travel Policy & Procedures* (I) (M. Owen)

10. 2016 Teaching Awards* (I) (R. Bailey)

11. Other Business

12. Colleagues’ Exchange

Becky Dinwoodie, Secretary

*Documents attached (A) Approval (C) Consultation (D) Discussion (I) Information (P) Presentation (R) Recommend to Board for approval